Saturday, November 17, 2012

18th November 2012

Qld Police Commissioner

Dear Commissioner Stewart

My name is Stephen Protheroe and as you are the new Queensland Police Commissioner I am writing to you about my son Jason Protheroe who was shot dead by Thomas Hess a member of the Qld Police force on April 17 2012 at 21 Ivor Street Bracken Ridge.  This matter is currently under investigation and a full coronial inquest is still pending.       

I want to start by saying that I do not have a vendetta against the Queensland Police Service as a whole, most of the officers are fine upstanding men and women and exercise a duty of care whilst doing their job.  I understand that you are an extremely busy man, however, I offer you an open invitation to visit with my wife and I at our home to discuss the issues that will not just go away.  I am neither bias, impartial nor hysterical regarding the known facts of this case. 

Most of the information available is on my blog site which I welcome you to view the correspondence via

 On approximately 20th April when I visited the John Tonge Centre I swore on my son’s body that I would not rest until I was certain that the truth had been uncovered and that I would know in my heart what took place the day my son was killed.  My resolve has not weakened and I remain truly focused on the truth be it good or bad.  I watch on as my entire family remains in complete turmoil since the death of their brother.  We have co-operated fully with the Police, Ethical Standards and the State Coroner including offering into evidence photos that they were unaware of.

I have made several requests to have Thomas Hess and Troy Weston stood down from active duty from the Queensland Police Force pending the outcome of this inquest but it has fallen on deaf ears.  As you are now the new Police Commissioner I now formally call on you to make a call on the integrity of these officers who remain armed and on active duty.  If you feel that these officers deserve to remain on active duty can you explain to my wife and I why?  I also ask you to join me in demanding the resignation of the Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers and a public apology to my family and I due to tainting of the evidence provided by him to the media on the 17th and 18th April and on the Steve Austin ABC 612 radio interview on the 30th August 2012.

Nothing from this horrible day makes sense, the stories do not add up and the different accounts of the day from the only eye witness and Thomas Hess differ dramatically.  Even without the statement of the eye witness the facts do not coincide with what Thomas Hess stated happened on the day.  Also taking into account, the fact that Ian Leavers Queensland Police Union President appeared on National TV stating that my son hunted these police officers down giving them no choice to shoot or be shot.  He stated that my son had a fully loaded semi automatic pistol and was shot in the chest and the abdomen when in fact he was shot in the back.

In Summary, I implore you to visit our home and speak with my wife and I and look at the facts of the case with an open mind.  I need to speak with you in an informal manner and atmosphere regarding the facts of this case.  You may ask us any questions what so ever regarding this case and I invite you to openly record my answers so you can then determine whether we are neither bias, impartial nor hysterical.  In the interests of protecting the integrity of you and the entire Queensland Police Force I ask that you help us uncover the truth behind our son’s death.

Yours Faithfully
Stephen Protheroe