Friday, December 13, 2013

Latest Letter to the Attorney General

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice

Jarrod Bleijie

Level 18

State Law Building

50 Ann Street

Brisbane Qld 4000

Dear Mr Bleijie

On December 1 2013 I responded to your letter with regard to the death of my son Jason Protheroe.  In that letter I said I will endeavour to seek legal advice at my earliest convenience and make my decision after receiving such advice.  On reflection, after 13 days to consider what I believe to be your threatening letter I’ve decided that I will not succumb to your bullying or threats and I will not edit or delete anything I have posted on my blog site.  I believe that I have spent 20 months trying to argue the truth and what the Queensland police union, the Ethical Standards unit, The Coroner and you have done nothing but try to cover up the truth.  I say prove to me that I am wrong because I do not lie and I will never ever make a statement that I believe to be incorrect, I am not an idiot and I have the evidence to prove what I am saying.   Why should I believe anything that is said when clearly the hard facts and evidence points to lies and untruths.  A young woman witnessed the events that took place that day, a police officer was told by Troy Weston the partner of Thomas Hess on the day that he saw nothing on the day as he dodged behind a car to take cover, even though in evidence at the Coronial Inquest he claimed he did not say this or he can’t explain where Inspector Jones got that version from.  The truth in this matter remains unchanged.  I believe that Thomas Hess needs to stand trial for the unlawful killing if not murder of my son and if you do your job and investigate the case as a whole with all its inconsistencies then you will understand where I am coming from.  If you as the first law officer of the state can’t see what I believe to be the truth then I will continue to proceed with my own private prosecution in 2014 against:

Ian Leavers (I am still awaiting a reply from the CMC regarding my complaint of misconduct against him for the perversion of justice)

Thomas Hess for the unlawful killing if not murder of my son

Troy Weston who I believe the evidence suggests committed perjury

Mark Reid from Ethical Standards command who I believe the evidence suggests committed perjury (I am still awaiting a reply from the CMC regarding my complaint of misconduct against him for the perversion of justice)

Constable Belinda Baker who I believe the evidence suggests committed perjury

I ask you where are the responses and answers to all of my legitimate complaints I have submitted?  How long does it take to pick up a phone and ask the question “where are we at with this?”  As the number one law man of the state I expect you have the power to get answers.

In summary, a fair system would see that it is unmistakable that Thomas Hess killed my son by way of two gunshot wounds to the back of his body contrary to what Michael Barnes stated in his findings.  Pathologist Ben Ong originally stated that it would be difficult if not impossible to interpret and reconstruct how these shots were sustained in the circumstances as described in Police Form 1.  This same Pathologist stated at the Coronial Inquest that he changed his autopsy results because Ethical Standards aka Mark Reid asked him to.  No matter how much I love my son the reality is I was not there on the day.  I have never ever said I was there, the only thing I have ever tried to do and will continue to do is search for the truth.  The greatest respect I can show Jason and the legacy I can leave to my family and Jason’s children is to stand up for the truth, not be bullied, not turn a blind eye to the truth, not be silenced by the hierarchy of the Qld Police service or the Government bodies including the Ethical Standards Command, Crime and Misconduct Commission and the Attorney General’s Office aka Jarrod Bleijie.    

Yours Faithfully



Stephen Protheroe

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Reply to the Attorney General

1st December 2013

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
Jarrod Bleijie
Level 18
State Law Building
50 Ann Street
Brisbane Qld 4000

Dear Mr Bleijie
I received your letter dated 27 November 2013 on the afternoon of Friday 29 November 2013.  I would like to address your concerns that you have raised and in my opinion clearly my rights as an individual to speak freely is now under attack and threat by you.  Your interpretation of my opinion is just that an interpretation, I have not stated any of the items which you wish to be removed as fact, it is purely my opinion.   
Everything is open to interpretation and we as people will always interpret things differently.  One could interpret that your letter is a threat to stop me from finding the truth and justice for our son.  In saying that it may well be interpreted that way by any intelligent person, but only you as the writer can answer that with honesty. 
Under this threat you have requested that I remove certain items from my blog site which I am at this point unwilling to do.  However, I will endeavour to seek legal advice at my earliest convenience and make my decision after receiving such advice.
I find it amusing that you would underline my question “Who is Michael Barnes? God help any young student who googles the question who is Michael Barnes? And God save our children in social studies classes in the future who may dare ask who is Jarrod Bleijie?  But don’t worry rest assured I won’t ask.   
I note that you have clearly spent a lot of time reviewing my blog site as you have stated in your letter on page 1 paragraph 2.  I have previously sent you 2 letters on 3 June 2013 & 30 September 2012 regarding my son’s death where you stated you were unable to help at the time as the Coronial inquest needed to take place.  The Coronial inquest is now over and I would now officially ask that you investigate and review the entire case thoroughly as a whole.  After investigating all of the countless inconsistencies of this case I would ask you as first law officer of the state to overturn the Coroner’s findings or bring pressure to bear on the appropriate government body to do so to allow a jury to decide whether Officer Thomas Hess acted within the law when he shot and killed my son.
Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe

Letter received from the Attorney General

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Jason Protheroe ABC612 Radio Interview 11-10-13

Hi my name is Steve Protheroe I am Jason Protheroe’s dad. I just wanted to further address a few of my comments I made in reference to some of the questions asked by Steve Austin ABC612 radio programme. I thank Steve Austin for being the only media representative to actually care enough to even listen to what I have to say.  I have not seen this level of integrity in any other media programme.  First issue to raise is the question put to me which was “What role did Jason play on the day that led to him being shot?” First of all the question itself to me is impossible to answer on the spot. But given time to reflect my answer is quite simple “Jason played the biggest role of all he was the victim”.  As for my comment saying wells running dry, the last thing I would ever want to do is publicly tell anyone where I stand financially.  However, I will now answer in this way.  “I may or may not be a wealthy man, but between myself my wife and my children we have enough resources to see most importantly Thomas Hess face a jury for the killing death  of our son, and his partner Troy Weston for what I believe to be his untruthful testimony backed up by the Coroners own Counsel and right hand man Mr Peter Johns who in his submissions was very adamant that very little weight be placed on the testimony of Troy Weston the partner of Thomas Hess especially in regard to whether Jason was in fact pointing a weapon at Thomas Hess.  He in fact said that one would have serious doubts as to whether Troy Weston in fact saw anything that might have been a gun or any other object in Jason’s hands.  I would also like to point out the submission made by Peter Johns on the evidence given by Krystal Sinn the only non-police eye witness who was there when it happened.  In His submission he stated that there is no basis you would comfortably find or find at all that Krystal Sinn is lying. Based on all the evidence, documentation and interviews we have my family and I concurred with these submissions made by Peter Johns.  And no we haven’t forgotten about the officers who I believe told deliberate untruths on the stand.  When I was growing up to lie on the stand was called perjury, that in itself was considered a criminal offence that a person was indicted for, in Jason’s case they called it an untruth or sometimes they even called it confusion, you work it out for yourself.  What’s happened to the term investigative journalism? It seems to me that all the media is running scared after a non-publication order put in place by the State Coroner 5 days after the inquest was closed, which in itself is questionable as the law states any non-publication orders must be put in place immediately.  I ask myself what’s wrong with the media of this country and why is no journalist interested in supporting me, talking to me and hearing the facts as we know it.  The media was very quick to jump on this story when it happened when Ian Leavers was sprouting off that Jason was a career criminal who hunted down police.  But yet when proven that Jason was shot in the back twice and that Thomas Hess who shot Jason dead was the only person who actually saw any alleged weapon in his hands, no journalist wants to tell the public the real story.  I challenge any member of the media to contact me and listen to what I have to say.  I ask you as a member of the public do you not find it unusual that the media has not even tried to do a story on what really happened to Jason on that day and how he could possibly have been shot in the back twice whilst standing in a stationary position with his arm or arms outstretched allegedly pointing a toy replica pistol at Thomas Hess and the only non-Police witness who has been never swayed from the fact that Jason was unarmed.  This is my message to the any media worldwide, if you don’t have the guts to stand up to the Qld Police hierarchy or the Qld government who has noticeably gagged all of the evidence of the inquest and said nothing, then attack me, attack what I’m saying, and prove to the public that the Qld Police hierarchy and Qld government have told the truth that what I am saying is wrong.  From day 1, I have never knowingly told a lie aka committed perjury or an untruth.  I am not scared of the truth nor am I scared of speaking the truth.  I challenge you to use your investigative brains to talk to me I am someone you don’t have to be scared of.  I know you feel threatened by the non-publication order but I am sure the Coroner didn’t gag anyone from trying to prove me a liar.    Prove to me that some media source cares, prove to me that you are not scared to do investigative journalism.  My son’s life is worth that much.  Isn’t any person’s life worth that much.

Steve Protheroe


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Letter to Peter Johns - Coroners Counsel - 14/9/2013

Hi Peter


During the course of the Coronial Inquest we got to know each other and I hope you realise that I will not idly sit by and allow not only forensic evidence to be destroyed but all of the recorded phone calls that I had with officers within the Ethical Standards branch.  This is evidence that not only proves the incompetence of the investigators but the possible tainting of evidence that appears to have run rampant through this entire investigation.  For example without our email that we presented to you regarding Inspector Reed and the Ethical Standards team being fully aware that we had in fact stated in writing that Steven (Jnr) had discussed Krystal Sinn stating that Jason was unarmed on the day.


In our quest for the truth, we have decided that there is enough evidence for this to go to a court of law.  I’ll state again that in my belief one man does not have the power to decide whether Thomas Hess acted in a legal and responsible manner in taking the life of my son.  We are taking our time to gather all information and materials to proceed with a private prosecution.  I am still requesting that no evidence what so ever be destroyed as it will all be needed for the trial.  I am also again requesting copies of all recorded telephone conversations between myself and members of Ethical Standards unit and any records that have not been given to us.  Well may the Coroner Michael Barnes sweep my son’s death under a rug and then leave his position within days allowing us to face more obstacles of dealing with a new Coroner who has no knowledge of the case and well may the new Coroner say that he’s not prepared to release anything further to me, I want it all evidence kept and not destroyed.  Michael Barnes may have gone away but I haven’t and neither has my quest to find the truth.


Also, could you please advise exact steps required to appeal the Corner’s decision and have his findings overturned. 




Steve Protheroe


Saturday, August 24, 2013


25th August 2013

I know I haven't spoken for about 6 weeks as I have been busy going through all the evidence, transcripts and findings of Jason's coronial inquest.  I am also still awaiting the physical evidence that we have requested and yet to receive from the Qld State Coroner's Office.  I would also like to state that I had wanted to wait until I had received all of the available evidence so that I could look at possibly proceeding with a private indictment of Thomas Hess for the killing of my son Jason as the Coroner Mr Michael Barnes did not see fit to submit the facts to the DPP for a public prosecution.  In my opinion he was prepared to ignore the findings of his own right hand man (Peter Johns - Senior Counsel acting for the Coroner) which stated that very little weight should be placed on the testimony of Troy Weston (The partner of Thomas Hess who was one of only three people including Hess and an eyewitness by the name of Krystal Sinn who directly witnessed the death of my son).  In my opinion Peter Johns also stated that Krystal Sinn was a credible witness as in his submissions he stated that there was no basis on which you would comfortably find or find at all that Krystal Sinn lied.

I have decided to speak today because during the week a horrific event occurred where two people were allegedly murdered and a man was allegedly shot dead by police.  Firstly I would like to offer to the families involved our sincere condolences and I apologise for having to mention their loss on the same page as our update, however, whilst viewing the news footage our son's mug shot was again displayed on the news.  Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers shot off his big mouth once again with his unconscionable remarks stating how the police had no other option, things unfolded very quickly.  Once again he was not there and therefore has no right to comment on this case to the media.  Mr Leavers made similar comments when Jason was killed and these issues were raised during Jason’s inquest.  Mr Leavers on the stand said he had learnt from Jason's death and had changed his ways and yet here he is basically doing the same thing once again.  He needs to be held accountable, he may use the same excuse he used at my son’s hearing that silence is deadly but I believe his words are even more deadly. 

I am still waiting to hear back from the complaint I lodged with the CMC last year in relation to the actions of Mr Ian Leavers in Jason's case and today I have sent yet another letter which is posted on this site.  This man needs to stop tainting evidence and be held accountable for what these remarks are doing to not just the families of the victims but also to the officers of the Qld Police Service as a whole. 

As a father my resolve to find the truth has been tested and retested and retested again.  My resolve to find the truth as to why Thomas Hess shot my son dead will not be broken whilst I have breath in my body.

On an update I can inform you now that Inspector Mark Reid from the Ethical Standards Unit who was the Lead investigator into the death of my son Jason, after a lengthy investigation instigated by myself no longer is with the Ethical Standards Unit.  After being investigated by the CMC the complaint has now been handed back to the Qld Police Service for further investigation.  This is one small step into tightening the noose around the Police investigation into my son's death.

In closing, I believe State Coroner Mr Michael Barnes spoke ignorant and bias dribble in his findings which I had dubbed the book of lies.  If that wasn't enough 5 days after his findings he gagged us from publishing the real evidence of the case.  I am currently questioning the gag order which I believe is not legal as the Coroners act states that any gag order must be placed immediately, not 5 days after the case has been closed by the Coroner.  I believe this act was a direct act to stop the public from hearing the truth and making their own logical conclusions.  Their are only 3 people who were present and know what happened on this fateful day.  In order to find peace within ourselves I challenge those three people (Police Officers Thomas Hess & Troy Weston and Eye witness Krystal Sinn) to an independent polygraph (Lie detector test) so that this family can have some form of closure.  I ask that the media keep a constant vigil on this site as if this gag order is not lifted then I will test this gag order by openly placing every piece of evidence on this site.  I also ask that if you read this blog site share it with your friends and make comments if you wish to.

Steve Protheroe - Jason's Father      


25th August 2013

Att: Peter Johns


Dear Peter

I am writing yet again regarding the outstanding issues that remain from Jason’s inquest.  I have sent many emails to you, I have made many phone calls to you and I am yet to receive any satisfactory response.  The outstanding issues are:

1)      The evidence that we have requested so that we can proceed with this case.  On July 19th 2013 I received a response from you which stated I've asked that process of disposal or destruction of items be ceased until I can discuss this with the new State Coroner. He is still settling in but I will try to take him through the details early next week.  I have received no information since this email from you.

2)      The gag order that Coroner Michael Barnes placed on this inquest on 19th June 2013 after his findings were handed down on 14th June 2013 5 days earlier.  The Coroners act states that gag orders must be done immediately.  We spoke with you about this being lifted as I challenge that it is even legal to do this after 5 days.  I am yet to hear back from you with regard to this.

I am also extremely disappointed at your very obvious abandonment of this case and this family’s concerns as to what took place.  I know you may be concerned for your own position but I would have thought that a man in your position should show integrity for the truth rather than fear. 

Yours Sincerely


Stephen Protheroe

25th August 2013

Ref No: MI-13-1462/GOA

Att: Dianne McFarlane – Director

Dear Dianne

I refer to your letter dated 19th August 2013 in relation to my concerns about Inspector Mark Reid.  In this letter you refer to a letter that you sent to me dated 20th June 2013.  I have never received a letter from you on that date, In fact the last letter received from the CMC was dated 23rd October 2012.  Could you please urgently arrange for a copy of the letter dated 20th June 2013 and any others I have not received to be sent to me ASAP. 

I have also attached a copy of another letter that I sent to you on 30th September 2012 which I have never received a response to and I would appreciate being advised of the status of the investigation into the conduct of Mr Ian Leavers.

I take these matters very seriously and I do not intend to stop my plight until a result is achieved.  Just recently another police shooting occurred in Coolum and Mr Leavers once again appeared on national news saying very similar things as he had said in Jason’s case.  The same things that during Jason’s inquest he said he had learnt from and had changed his ways and yet here he is basically doing the same thing once again.  Mr Leavers once again was not at the scene when this incident happened and therefore has no right to make statements to the media to protect or pervert the actions of these officers involved.  As I have said in the past I believe this man to be unconscionable.  He needs to be held accountable, he may use the same excuse he used at my son’s hearing that silence is deadly but I believe his words are even more deadly. 

Yours Sincerely


Stephen Protheroe

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Complaint about Thomas Hess


On Sunday 23rd June 2013 at approximately 3pm my wife went to our local Woolworths shopping centre 100 metres from our home.  As she walked through the doors past the checkouts with a trolley she locked eyes with Constable Thomas Hess who was at a checkout with groceries being served.  My wife immediately avoided eye contact and continued to walk around the corner out of his sight.  She immediately rang me distressed and upset, I advised her at the time just to calm down, ignore him and come straight home and have a cup of tea.  Whilst she was on the phone to me I heard a male voice and my wife was distressed and yelling.  My wife was yelling at Constable Thomas Hess as he had approached her and stopped and said “Look Valda”.  My wife never gave him a chance to say anything further as she became upset and distressed and he ended up walking away.  The point is simple, Thomas Hess had the opportunity after my wife walked away from him, to go out the door she came in to avoid any confrontation, instead of doing this he decided to go the way my wife went and on seeing her he chose to walk up to her and stop and speak to her when he could have just taken a wide turn and just continued walking out the main doors.  We as a family do not wish for Constable Thomas Hess to approach us or talk to us for any reason what so ever.  One would think that a decent person would know that approaching the mother of a person you had killed would cause distress and unnecessary confrontation.  We would like Thomas Hess spoken to about this matter as if it should happen again we will have no choice but to take a restraining order out on him.  If Thomas Hess has anything to say to this family he can do so through his solicitor.



Stephen Protheroe      

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Letter regarding Findings by the Queensland State Coroner

16th June 2013

It has been 14 months since my son Jason was shot and killed from 2 gunshot wounds to the back of his body by Queensland Police Officer Thomas Hess.  After 10 days of evidence the State Coroner Michael Barnes handed down his findings on Friday 14th June 2013.  This process took 29mins and 19 seconds although in an earlier report I did say 19 minutes immediately following the findings.  The report was approximately 50 pages and I have labelled it the book of lies.  From the very beginning of this ordeal I have stated my intention to find the truth and I can honestly say I don’t believe that has yet been found.  I guess with the Coroner’s findings they expect me to lay down and accept that this misguided and shallow report is a true and accurate description of events that took place on the day.  However as I stated to the media I do not believe that a blue uniform and a badge is an open licence to kill.  Well may Thomas Hess relish in what Police Union boss Ian Leavers said that he was vindicated from any wrong doing, I think most intelligent people would know who and what Police Union President Ian Leavers is.  I say to Thomas Hess that well may you have and always had the support of Police Union President Ian Leavers and the chief investigating officer of Ethical Standards Command (ESC) of this case Inspector Mark Reid, I would like to remind you that this is only round one, well may you feel that you have gotten away with this and it is over but let me tell you it is not over and I will continue to seek to find the truth.  My next question that I ask everyone is who is Michael Barnes?  I did not see any halo around his head whilst he sat delivering his findings nor did I see anything else of any significance.  All I saw was one man who when the crucial witnesses took the stand, put a time limit on the family barrister and said he wasted too much time on unnecessary questions.  I ask you the question that if any lay person shot dead a person whether in self-defence or otherwise would have to face a jury of 12 people to decide whether they were innocent or guilty beyond reasonable doubt.  The purpose of a Coronial Inquest was to gather evidence but not to try and test that evidence, that is done in a court of Law.  So my question is what right does one man have to make the decision not to send this case to be heard and tested within a court of law?   

The findings released by the State Coroner Michael Barnes raised many questions regarding the conduct of the Police Union President Ian leavers and the lead investigator from Ethical Standards Command Inspector Mark Reid.  He has made several recommendations regarding these issues.  Within the findings he has made the following recommendations with regard to Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers:

“The access provided to Mr Leavers and other union officials to the command post

and their ready access to information relating to the incident can be contrasted

with the circumstances in which the Protheroe family found themselves. The two

officers involved had been provided, entirely appropriately, with high quality legal

advice and emotional support.

Congregated on the boundary of the outer cordon was the extended Protheroe

family. Grasping for information about their son and brother and with no channel

of communication yet established with the QPS, they were understandably

distraught. Although to someone with little understanding of what had happened

their behaviour might have seemed unruly, it should have been sufficiently

apparent to the uniformed officers maintaining security of the outer cordon that it

was unnecessary and inappropriate to tell them to ‘fuck off’ and to threaten them

with arrest if they did not leave, as they claim occurred.

The callous treatment the family members say they were subjected to when

compared with the compassion shown to the shooter, understandably contributed

to a perception of bias on the family’s part.”

Recommendation 1 – Security of critical incident scenes

In order to avoid the uncontrolled and unintended release of information and the

adverse impact that can have on the integrity of an investigation, I recommend

the QPS review its policies and procedures to ensure access is only granted to

the outer cordon of critical incident scenes to those needed to investigate and/or

respond to the incident. Union officials and employees should of course be given

ready access to their members to support them but that should happen away

from the incident scene whenever possible.

Recommendation 2 – Initial family liaison

I am aware the QPS has a family liaison policy that provides for the allocation of

a specific family contact person in all cases of homicide. In deaths in custody, the

investigators from the Ethical Standards Command discharge this role. That

happened in this case.

However, as this case demonstrates, in some instances, family or ‘secondary

victims’ will be at the scene at the time of the incident or very soon after. QPS

procedures which stipulate how the incident scene is to be managed should

stipulate that those with a special interest in the incident, such as family members

of the deceased, are to be treated appropriately and, as soon as possible, given

as much information as can be released to them without compromising the


Media comment

After attending the scene of the shooting, Mr Leavers made numerous media

statements and partook in various interviews with journalists in which he

purported to disclose details of the circumstances of the shooting, some of which

he now concedes were wrong. He also concedes he gained some of the

information (and misinformation) from officers he spoke to while in the outer


The first of the interviews were broadcast at 5.01pm that afternoon, before some

of witnesses to the events had been interviewed by the investigators. 

Recommendation 3 – Union officials’ competing responsibilities

The president of the QPUE has responsibilities to the union and its members but

he or she remains a member of the QPS and is subject to and must comply with

its policies and procedures. There currently seems some uncertainty as to how

these roles are to be accommodated if they conflict, for example, in relation to

accessing and disseminating confidential information held by the QPS.

Accordingly, I recommend the QPS in conjunction with the union review those

aspects of the union’s areas of activity that may cause this conflict to arise to

ensure both parties have in place appropriate policies and protocols so they can

be managed without compromising the functions of the QPS, while allowing for

the legitimate and necessary industrial activities of the union’s officials.

Recommendation 4– Responsible media comment

Public comment concerning a critical incident involving police officers can

negatively impact on the integrity of the investigation of the incident, the

reputation of the officers involved, the reputation of the QPS and the public

confidence in those investigations. It is therefore essential the comments be

limited to the release of sufficient information to satisfy the public’s right to know

in very general terms what has occurred and to engender confidence the incident

is under rigorous and impartial investigation, the results of which will be made

public at the appropriate time. I recommend the QPS review its policies in relation

to such matters and have regard to the report of the Office of Police Integrity’s

suggestions as to the limit of matters that should be included in such public

comments. The resulting policies should be binding on all police officers,

including union officials.

Regarding the above recommendations, my understanding is that Mr Ian Leavers should not be given access to the inner or outer cordon whilst he is in the role of Police Union President, but rather assist his members away from the primary crime scene during a critical incident.  Once again a complaint letter regarding Mr Leavers conduct was sent by myself to the CMC on 3rd June 2012, I received a reply on 17th August 2012 saying that the matter had been given to QPS to investigate with the CMC overseeing.  I am yet to receive any further correspondence regarding this matter.  

Within the findings State Coroner Michael Barnes has stated the following with regard to Inspector Mark Reid:

“Section 48(3) of the Coroners Act provides that a coroner may give information

about official misconduct or police misconduct to the CMC.


I suspect the dissemination to the media of the ‘mug shots’ of Ms Sinn and Mr

Protheroe and details of their criminal histories involved either official misconduct

and/or police misconduct. Counsel for the QPS told the inquest this matter is

already the subject of an investigation, although I was also advised this

investigation commenced only after concerns were raised during the inquest. I

intend to provide this information to the CMC to ensure the matter is vigorously


I consider I am also obliged to refer to the CMC the failure of Inspector Reid to

report this suspected misconduct, which must have been apparent to him by at least 29 May 2012”

On the above matter an official letter of complaint regarding Inspector Mark Reid from Ethical Standards Command was sent to the CMC by myself on 3rd June 2013.  (A copy of the letter sent also appears on this site) I await a reply from CMC with regard to this matter.

During the inquest we heard evidence from Snr Detective Troy Weston who was the partner of Thomas Hess on the day.  He stated in his evidence that he never saw Jason holding a weapon, he saw something in his hands which is in dispute on the taped evidence as it sounds like he says “black garment” in my opinion but Weston says it was object.  The only point of interest that Weston brought to this inquest was that although he was asked to cover Jason whilst Hess removed the alleged weapon from his hand, he said within evidence that he at no time could he confirm that Jason was holding a weapon, nor did he see Hess remove the weapon from Jason’s hand or throw the weapon behind him.  Weston did not see the weapon until it was on the ground and pointed out to him.  I believe under cross examination by Mr Sam Di Carlo the family’s Barrister asked Thomas Hess whether on his lanyard recording when he was asked was there a weapon by another male person, could it have been Troy Weston asking the question.  Thomas Hess agreed that it could quite possibly have been Troy Weston.  The point here is that this evidence was not tested and I believe Mr Peter Johns (Counsel assisting the Coroner) in oral submissions said that no weight what so ever should be put on Detective Troy Weston’s version of events.    

The only civilian eye witness to the events on the day was Krystal Sinn who suffered a great loss on that day as well as witnessing the most horrific event she hopefully will ever witness.  She has been mistreated, she has had her mug shot and criminal record splashed over the news and been tainted as a liar and a scarlet woman as well as having her physical health sacrificed.  She has struggled to cope and deal with this whole ordeal.  She appeared at the inquest as a witness across 2 days as her health took a turn for the worse with all the stress she was trying to cope with having to relive this event and I personally would like to thank her for her courage.  She took the stand and answered every question put to her with honesty including stating if she really couldn’t remember.  I believe she was a credible witness who appeared to give an honest and true version to the best of her ability.  Within the Coroner’s findings he states that he finds Krystal Sinn to be an unreliable witness.  Once again I ask who is Michael Barnes to make this decision? 

I would also like to state that toward the end of the Coronial hearing when the crucial witnesses including Thomas Hess the last witness to finish giving evidence the State Coroner Michael Barnes placed a time limit on the Family Barrister Sam Di Carlo on how long he could question them.  The Coroner stated in his findings:

“The officer’s actions in the hours before the confrontation were of no relevance to

how Mr Protheroe came to be shot. Much court time was wasted and

unnecessary distress caused to the family by the pursuit of baseless theories

about PCC Hess prosecuting some vendetta against Mr Protheroe.

PCC Hess came to work and found a direction in an email from his sergeant to

investigate offences believed to have been committed by Mr Protheroe. He acted

on it as would be expected of any junior officer in a similar position.”

With reference to the above quote from the Coroner’s findings, the family believes that their Barrister did not waste court time pursuing questions as to what Thomas Hess spent 2 – 3 hours doing at the station that morning with regard to Jason.  I believe all theories and questions should be explored in order to find the truth.

Further Findings from the Coroner include:

“The family seem fixated by the idea the officers were exhibiting unreasonable urgency or overzealousness in their pursuit of Mr Protheroe. I am of the view the family’s

perception of these matters has been distorted by what followed. If Jason had

simply been arrested at Ms Sinn’s house, I suspect nothing would have been said

about the events which preceded such an arrest. Sadly, that did not happen and

perhaps understandably, the family have therefore over analysed and

misconstrued mundane, routine events.”

With reference to the above quote from the Coroner’s findings, “NO SHIT SHERLOCK” if Jason had simply been arrested at Miss Sinn’s house then I probably would have said nothing about the events that preceded such an arrest but I still would have thought it.  If Thomas Hess had of listened to us and simply allowed us to ring him or the police to have him arrested on the day, he would now be alive and probably out of jail.  I believe that the family has not over analysed anything in our quest for the truth.  

In reference to the Coroner’s remarks of the family Barrister Mr Sam Di Carlo I would like to state that I had never met Mr Sam Di Carlo prior to meeting with him approximately 2 months before the inquest began.   In my opinion he is a man with exceptional understanding of the law, a man with exceptional intelligence and a man with exceptional honesty and integrity.  We as a family could not have hoped for a better person to speak for Jason on our behalf and we are eternally grateful, we will never forget what he has done for Jason and the support to our family.

In closing I firmly believe that one person does not have the right to decide on matters relating to the death of a civilian by Police.  These matters should be tested by a jury of 12 independent people as is the system designed for lay people.  Finally I would ask again with all sincerity “Who is Michael Barnes?????????”

Yours Sincerely

Steve Protheroe