Saturday, August 30, 2014

Reply to Deputy Commissioner (Specialist Operations Unit)

31st August 2014

Ross Barnett
Deputy Commissioner
(Specialist Operations)
GPO Box 1440
Brisbane Qld 4001

Dear Deputy Commissioner Mr Barnett
I have reposted below a letter that I sent to the Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie on December 13 2013.  I received no such response from this letter until now.  
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice

Jarrod Bleijie

Level 18

State Law Building

50 Ann Street

Brisbane Qld 4000

Dear Mr Bleijie

On December 1 2013 I responded to your letter with regard to the death of my son Jason Protheroe.  In that letter I said I will endeavour to seek legal advice at my earliest convenience and make my decision after receiving such advice.  On reflection, after 13 days to consider what I believe to be your threatening letter I’ve decided that I will not succumb to your bullying or threats and I will not edit or delete anything I have posted on my blog site.  I believe that I have spent 20 months trying to argue the truth and what the Queensland police union, the Ethical Standards unit, The Coroner and you have done nothing but try to cover up the truth.  I say prove to me that I am wrong because I do not lie and I will never ever make a statement that I believe to be incorrect, I am not an idiot and I have the evidence to prove what I am saying.   Why should I believe anything that is said when clearly the hard facts and evidence points to lies and untruths.  A young woman witnessed the events that took place that day, a police officer was told by Troy Weston the partner of Thomas Hess on the day that he saw nothing on the day as he dodged behind a car to take cover, even though in evidence at the Coronial Inquest he claimed he did not say this or he can’t explain where Inspector Jones got that version from.  The truth in this matter remains unchanged.  I believe that Thomas Hess needs to stand trial for the unlawful killing if not murder of my son and if you do your job and investigate the case as a whole with all its inconsistencies then you will understand where I am coming from.  If you as the first law officer of the state can’t see what I believe to be the truth then I will continue to proceed with my own private prosecution in 2014 against:

Ian Leavers (I am still awaiting a reply from the CMC regarding my complaint of misconduct against him for the perversion of justice)

Thomas Hess for the unlawful killing if not murder of my son

Troy Weston who I believe the evidence suggests committed perjury

Mark Reid from Ethical Standards command who I believe the evidence suggests committed perjury (I am still awaiting a reply from the CMC regarding my complaint of misconduct against him for the perversion of justice)

Constable Belinda Baker who I believe the evidence suggests committed perjury

I ask you where are the responses and answers to all of my legitimate complaints I have submitted? How long does it take to pick up a phone and ask the question “where are we at with this?”  As the number one law man of the state I expect you have the power to get answers.

In summary, a fair system would see that it is unmistakable that Thomas Hess killed my son by way of two gunshot wounds to the back of his body contrary to what Michael Barnes stated in his findings. Pathologist Ben Ong originally stated that it would be difficult if not impossible to interpret and reconstruct how these shots were sustained in the circumstances as described in Police Form 1.  This same Pathologist stated at the Coronial Inquest that he changed his autopsy results because Ethical Standards aka Mark Reid asked him to.  No matter how much I love my son the reality is I was not there on the day.  I have never ever said I was there, the only thing I have ever tried to do and will continue to do is search for the truth.  The greatest respect I can show Jason and the legacy I can leave to my family and Jason’s children is to stand up for the truth, not be bullied, not turn a blind eye to the truth, not be silenced by the hierarchy of the Qld Police service or the Government bodies including the Ethical Standards Command, Crime and Misconduct Commission and the Attorney General’s Office aka Jarrod Bleijie.    

Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe

For approximately 9 months I waited for a response from the Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie and heard absolutely nothing and now I am faced with a renewed threat from you.  Could this be because of the approximate 50000 people who are now following the truth with interest as to what this government has done to my son and this family?  I will once again state uncategorically that I will not be bullied, threatened or silenced by your threats.  I will reiterate that I made a pledge over my son’s dead body, for him, his children and my family that I will not stop until Thomas Hess faces an independent jury over the killing, possible murder of my son.  Your letter states that I immediately remove any information which falls within the scope of the non-publication order but yet you do not state which information this is.  Firstly in section 41 of the information you sent me it states that a coroner before, during or immediately after the holding of an inquest may make an order prohibiting the publication of information relating to, or arising at an inquest.  This order was made 5 days after the inquest was finalised and to my knowledge this act by Coroner Michael Barnes was a precedent and has never been tested in a court of law, I have always questioned the legitimacy of it under the law.  I raised this issue with Peter Johns counsel for the coroner at the time.  Why did he do it and what is this government trying to hide?  If what they are saying is true then why would the government want to prevent the people of this state from hearing and reading the truth within the media.  On 24th March 2012 Campbell Newman was elected Premier of Queensland 19 days prior to my son being shot dead by way of 2 bullet wounds to the back of my son Jason’s body by Snr Constable Thomas Hess of Carseldine CIB.  He won on a platform of openness and honesty to look after the people of Queensland.  He has done nothing for my son, he has done nothing for the truth of what happened to my son and in fact has openly supported his Attorney General and his police force and his court system.  He has blatantly sat back and allowed my son’s death to be swept under the carpet.  There is a state election looming in 2015 and I intend to do my very best to make this an election issue.  Well may Police Union President aka Police Officer Ian Leavers have stated damning and malicious lies on national media the afternoon my son Jason was shot by Police Officer Thomas Hess by 2 gun shots to the back of his body in fact stating that he was shot in the chest and lower abdomen.  Then went on to state words to the effect that the officer involved was a good family man and it was a case of shoot or be shot, he also said words to the effect that my son had stood in front of Thomas Hess with a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol hunting him down leaving him no place to go.  At a later date Ian Leavers stated words to the effect that he made a mistake and that he understands that Jason was not shot in the chest and lower abdomen as he reported.  Jack Dempsey promised on national television that the investigation would be open and transparent, another lie.  If it was so open and transparent why was it gagged?  It was proven that my son never held a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol and the pistol shown on the national news was actually the gun of a Queensland Police Officer probably the gun that shot and killed Jason and let’s never forget the Partner of Thomas Hess who never at any stage saw a gun in Jason’s hands or saw Thomas Hess remove any weapon from Jason’s person after he lay dead on the ground. The most damning evidence of all is an independent eye witness who saw exactly what happened and stated that Thomas Hess shot Jason dead whilst he was unarmed in any way.  The independent eye witness has never altered her version of events in any way, unlike the police version of events that has changed repeatedly to suit the scenario that they feel they need to have to protect their own.
Now my family faces this new threat.  Our grief is as constant and unbearable as it was the fateful day this happened.  We live under constant fear of police officers storming our home, goose steps coming down our driveway in the middle of the night.  We have always tried to act in a lawful and honest way and our plight is very simple we want to see the government change the law that all police officers should stand trial and face a jury like any civilian has to.  We don’t want to watch another family suffer and go through what we have endured for over 2 years and continue to endure every day of our lives.  I stand by these words by stating this I intend to make this an election issue.  If you are a little peeved at my blog site get ready to be really peeved off as I intend to do letterbox drops and billboards throughout the state and make this a real election issue.  I will not stand by and let my son’s killing be swept under the carpet.  I will not allow you to continue to ignore and intimidate my quest, I have a right to let the people of this state know exactly what’s happened so that no other family ever faces the horrific challenge to find the truth.  No man be it police officer or civilian should be allowed to kill someone and not stand trial and be found innocent or guilty by a jury.  I have always accepted that if an independent jury found Senior Constable Thomas Hess innocent of illegally killing my son Jason at a fair and honest trial I would accept the verdict.  But I will never accept one man Coroner Michael Barnes making this decision without the evidence being tested in a court of law.  I will be asking the people of this state to continue to share with as many people as possible my blog site in order to allow them to see the type of government that is manipulating this case.

Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe

Letter Received from Deputy Commissioner (Specials Operations Unit)