Saturday, October 3, 2015


4th October 2015


To whom it may concern

This letter is to dispute an overdue account reminder dated 25/9/15 Party ID 87258562 referring to payment of legal costs ordered to be paid by me from the Magistrate in the recent private prosecutuion of muder/manslaughter against Qld Police Officer Senior Constable Thomas Hess against the death of my son Jason Paul Protheroe (BRISBANE; MAG 9609/15 (6) - STEPHEN PAUL PROTHEROE - V - HESS). This payment of $15000 was ordered by Magistrate Court Judge Stuart Shearer for costs for Qld Police Union legal team to represent Thomas Hess. His decision for awarding these costs was based on his decision which stated my son's death was not an injury, although my son was shot twice in the back of his body and died as a result of the injuries he sustained from these gun shot wounds. In my opinion how any intelligent person can arrive at this contemptable decision is beyond comprehension and shows a total lack of justice or common sense or a true commitment for finding the truth. Firstly, late last week I called SPER call centre and spoke to Carol and after explaining the situation to her she advised me to seek assistance at the Magistrates Court regarding this matter as there was nothing she could do from her end. I then spoke to Sam at the Magistrates Courthouse in Brisbane who got up the receipt from the payment and advised me that there was nothing he could do but suggested to me to put the information in writing and contact the Qld Police Legal Dept. This payment was made on 17/2/15 via receipt no 004272429 as per attached Queensland Courts Official Receipt. I fail to understand why I am receiving these threatening notices when this payment was made nearly 8 months ago and this matter has already been heard again by the Magistrates Court. One can only think that it is just clearly another attempt to destroy my resolve into a jury trial for my son which based on the evidence then and now remains the same.

I would appreciate your Urgent response to this matter.

Yours Sincerely

Stephen Protheroe

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Letter to followers 19-8-2015

19th August 2015
I’d like to apologise for not being as forthcoming as I’d like to be with our followers but the unfortunate truth is that we are under a non-publication order with most of this case.  As you would be aware we recently lost our private prosecution case of murder/manslaughter against Thomas Hess within the Brisbane Magistrates Court.  Let me make it perfectly clear this decision did not find Thomas Hess Not Guilty of the murder/manslaughter of my son Jason, it was purely about whether I had the right as a lay person to bring charges against this Qld Police Officer.  His Qld Police Union legal team were successful in winning that argument, but that is all and because I as a lay person was unsuccessful in my bid the charge was dismissed.  We have spent time as a family determining what our next step would be in our fight for justice for Jason.  Make no mistake that I believe that Detective Thomas Hess was given many pats on the back and full support from his Police gang mates but I will not be silenced, I will not just lay down and accept their decision.  This Queensland Police officer needs to be made to stand trial.  Thomas Hess needs to face an independent jury like any lay person and be tested, have all the evidence that has been gagged tried and tested within a court of law.  Some people have asked me why I can’t just let this go and my answer is that this is not just about my son, it’s about the Police force as a whole, it’s about the next person that dies at their hands questionably.  I am a 60 year old man, father of 5 and a grandfather of 12 and this has happened to me and it could happen to anyone.  I’m not saying that every Police officer who shoots someone is a murderer but I am saying it does happen and too many people accept what is said and move on.  I refuse to allow this to continue, “the law needs to change” and somebody needs to stand up and change the way this government deals with Police who think they are above the law.  If he is so innocent why are they so afraid of putting him on trial.  It’s not just about what has been done to my son, it’s about the cover up that followed, the lies, the deception of the police, Ian Leavers, Qld Police Union, Crime and misconduct Commission, Ethical standards, the attorney general, the premier, the police commissioner, the police minister.  Every single one of these people have received letters from me and they don’t respond, why?  Because they are too scared to respond or they have no answers for me.  In my opinion the public abuse from Ian Leavers started on 17th April 2012 when my son was killed, he didn’t care about justice as he spoke malicious lies all over the media and continued with this attack including saying I had filed private prosecution charges of murder/manslaughter against Thomas Hess describing it as a whim.  A whim I say is defined as a sudden desire or change of mind that is unusual or unexplained.  My resolve has been going on for 3 years and 4 months and there has been no change.  His ego is bigger than Ayers Rock, he took an oath to serve and protect and the only thing he has ever done is serve and protect himself. in my opinion this man is one of the most unconscionable, egotistical grubs I have ever had the misfortune of having to speak about.  In my opinion if the decision made by the Brisbane Magistrates Court on 27th July 2015  wasn’t one of the most dishonest court decisions ever made than I believe the only other reason can only be ignorance and fear by the Magistrate.  Make no mistake if this case ever goes to court the Qld Police Union with its grubby leader will amass their gang forces into solidarity against the truth as I believe they did in the Cameron Doomagee versus Chris Hurley trial.  In my opinion anyone who knows that case knows that too much force was used by Qld Police.  I’ve never suggested or wanted that we burn down Carseldine Police station or start riots in the street.  I put my faith in a police system that I believed was unbiased against finding the truth, I now know better.  It is clearly against the truth when it comes to protecting their own.  
In my opinion the Police shot the wrong man’s son they thought I would just accept everything they said without question, trust them and believe that my son deserved what he got.  We are a family who trusted in the Police, we always respected them and we knew our son was no angel.  We now know that the Police gang mentality must be stopped.  This state deserves an honest police force not a police gang.  I appeal to all genres, our children/grandchildren deserve honesty and integrity.
I want you to look at this photo.  It is a photo of Jason’s mother, myself and one of our son’s pulling up at the crime scene.  As we exited the car a Qld Police Officer approached us and told us to “fuck off or we would all be arrested”.  This was the very start of the cover up and protection of one of their own and it has been going on ever since, so has the pain in the hearts of our family. We are not just voices we are a family seeking the unbiased truth.

Before the end of this week I intend to lodge an appeal in the Supreme Court against the decision made by Justice Sheridan in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on 27th July 2015.  I pray that the Supreme Court Judges have a better moral code and are less fearful and ignorant than what was displayed by Justice Sheridan’s decision.  I have no personal vendetta against Justice Sheridan, he made his decision and he must live with it.  On closing I’d like to propose a toast (here’s to those who wish us well, and those who don’t can go to hell).  On second thoughts I don’t want them to go to hell I want them to stay the hell away from me and my family.
Yours Faithfully
Steve Protheroe   

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Letter to CMC 24th June 2015

Stephen Protheroe

June 24, 2015

Crime and Misconduct Commission

Level 2, North Tower Green Square
515 St Pauls Terrace
Fortitude Valley

To whom it may concern

I wish to lodge an official complaint again with regards to the death of my son Jason Paul Protheroe on 17th April 2012 by Queensland Police Officer Thomas Hess.  During the Coronial Inquest into my son’s death several issues were raised with regards to the release of mug shots and alleged criminal histories of my son and the only independent “non-police officer” eye witness to the shooting Krystal Sinn.  These photographs and information obtained by the media were very clearly released by a Qld Police Officer as also recorded in the findings of the Coronial inquest that the dissemination to the media of the mug shots and alleged criminal histories involved either official misconduct and/or police misconduct.  The Coronial findings from the Coronial Inquest also stated that this should be vigorously pursued as it was a criminal act under Police Service Administration Act Section 10.1.  The Coroner stated that the purposely criminalization of the only independent eye witness and the deceased in the eyes of the public is a particularly sinister development.  It was also stated that the QPS information technology systems are configured so as to record the identity of all users who access any data.  Therefore if an investigation was to take place the identity of the person who leaked the information to the media would be obvious and charges of misconduct laid.  This information is clearly correct considering the charges currently pending against Police Officer Rick Flori for allegedly leaking CCTV footage of police corruption.  Officer Rick Flori reported police misconduct under the Police Service Administration Act section 7.2 which he had a duty to do.  This Police Officer in my mind clearly went outside the gang style mentality of the Qld Police Force and exposed the truth for what it really was and for this he is being punished.  Amazingly the police managed to turn the tables on this whistle blower and file charges against him for media leaks that involved corrupt police, in my opinion allowing the real criminal police to get off criminal charges.  Yet in the case of my son’s killing the same situation (media leak by Police) has occurred in this case against an innocent civilian and you don’t seem interested to investigate let alone lay any charges.  This incident occurred in January 2012 and charges have just been laid.  This criminal act I am referring to in this complaint occurred in April 2012 and I want answers, I want to know who is being charged with leaking photos and information to the media under section 48 of the Coroners act.  Leaking of this information perverted the cause of justice and caused witnesses to have blurred accounts of the day.  It also caused Krystal Sinn to have a fear and intimidation of talking to the police for terror of repercussions.  Everything about this case is wrong and I have lodged complaint after complaint but I guess it is Police investigating Police, I want the truth.  Recently I took out a private prosecution against Qld Police Officer Thomas Hess and I was told that I was not to discuss this matter with anybody.  Yet, the very day Officer Hess was served the papers Qld Police Union President Ian Leavers appeared on the media.  Not only did he expose that I had taken out the said summons which by itself is questionable if not totally illegal within the grounds of the law but he in detail said that Thomas Hess had been cleared by all independent investigative bodies which in my judgment I can only assume means the Police.  Mr Leavers stated at the Coronial Inquest that he had learnt from his mistakes but clearly he has learnt nothing as he continues to behave in the same manner.  I believe it is tantamount that yet again he is trying to pervert the course of justice as I believe he did on the day my son was killed with his viscous and damning lies.   In closing it appears quite obvious that the Police know who accesses their police database as it was so evident when charges were laid against Police Officer Rick Flori when it suited the police hierarchy.  Why isn’t it just as simple for me and my family.

Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Letter to Attorney General

20th January 2015
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
Jarrod Bleijie
Level 18
State Law Building
50 Ann Street
Brisbane Qld 4000
Dear Mr Bleijie
On Friday 15th January 2015 and again on Saturday 16th January 2015 Ian Leavers Qld Police Union President appeared on national news stations across the country after chairing a press conference to expose the private prosecution I have filed against Senior Constable Thomas Hess for murder/manslaughter over the shooting death of my son Jason Protheroe on 17th April 2012.  Not only did he expose that I had taken out the said summons which by itself is questionable if not totally illegal within the grounds of the law but he in detail said that Thomas Hess had been cleared by all independent investigative bodies which in my judgement I can only assume means Ethical Standards who are the Police, Crime and Misconduct Commission who are the Police and a Coronial Inquest that only has the power to gather the evidence but does not have the power to find a person guilty or not guilty.  In my mind this power can only come from an independent jury of 12 people which I have been pursuing since the Coronial findings were delivered by Coroner Michael Barnes.  I believe and I’m asking you to investigate my belief that all of Ian Leavers statements and actions on the 15th and 16th January 2015 are tantamount to trying to pervert the course of justice.  My understanding as a lay person when I originally took out the summons and was issued with a copy of the Justices Act 1886, I was told very clearly that publication is prohibited as in section 102F.  I suggest that this condition not only applied to me but also to Ian Leavers and anyone else who was in the position to divulge this information including my own legal team and family members.  Due to the statements made by Ian Leavers it has been suggested through the mainstream media of this state that the Attorney General has been asked to strike out the charges and is currently seeking legal advice.  If this is the case, I ask for your immediate response or a meeting with myself and my legal team prior to the case being heard to discuss Ian Leavers’ actions and discuss your intentions.  As a father of 5 and a grandfather of 12 this has never been about revenge, payback or compensation, it’s simply about finding the truth as to the circumstances behind my son Jason’s death.  In order to find the truth all the inconsistencies need to be tried and tested within a court of law by 12 independent people.   
Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe