Monday, June 4, 2012

Written 1st May 2012

For the last 2 weeks my family and I have co-operated fully with the ethical standards and internal investigation branch of the Qld Police in their investigations into the police shooting death of my son Jason on Tuesday 17th April this year.  To this day I have no reason to question the integrity of the officers leading this investigation.  Yesterday I laid my son Jason Protheroe to rest knowing that the majority of the men and woman within the Qld Police Force and majority of the citizens of our state believe that my son hunted and aimed a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol at two police officers with an intent to shoot them dead and gave them no choice but to shoot or be shot as was stated by the Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers on national television. 
I intend to state the facts of the case as they have been determined by the investigating officers.
On Tuesday 17th April the Qld Police Union President Ian Leavers went on national television and stated that my son produced a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol and aimed it at these two police officers, hunted them down, cornered one of the officers and gave him no room for negotiation, no choice but to shoot or be shot. 
There was also an eye witness present who saw the whole tragedy unfold who has clearly stated on national television that my son was unarmed and did not have a weapon of any form. 
The weapon that was alledgedly found lying beside my son’s body was a toy replica pistol.   This is the gun that Mr Leavers claimed was a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol on the 6pm national news and continued with these allegations the following day publicly.  It has been proven by the Qld Police that this alledged weapon contained no fingerprints what so ever.
It has also been determined that my son was in possession of a water bottle he was drinking from at the time of arriving at the address, which he alledgedly dropped on the ground.  This bottle was also taken as evidence and was proven to have his fingerprints on it.
Mr Leavers also stated that my son was shot twice, once in the chest and once in the abdomen, the true fact is that 4 shots were fired by the officer, two of which hit my son one in the back and the other in the back of the left shoulder.
Based on this evidence alone, I would call for Mr Leavers to step down from his position as Qld Police Union President and the two officers directly involved in this case are suspended from duty immediately pending the final outcome of this investigation.  I question the Qld Police Commissioner and the Qld Police Minister as to why this has not already taken place.
 These facts I have stated are the truth told to me by investigating officers and I believe the Coroner’s Office have been made aware of these facts.  I truly believe in my heart that clearly the evidence suggests that my son was unarmed, gunned down and possibly murdered by a member of the Qld Police Force.
Written By Steve Protheroe. 


  1. Steve...firstly I am sorry for your family's loss,I dont claim to have known Jason well, but having spent fourteen years inside for a crime I did not commit, (the courts have since quashed this conviction) I did have occasion to meet and mix with him. In the time I was inside I cant recall him being violent on any occasion. I know this is of little comfort to you all but I had to offer my condolences and I and my family know some of what your up against with the thin blue line... I live in fear that someday despite my once again unblemished record that they will try the same dog act with me as they did Jason, I remember what they did to Harold McSweeney who I knew from school, sure a bad man but he was stitched up to be shot dead...sorry I shouldnt be bringing this stuff up but I just need you to know I and my family beleive in you... Hope you get justice for Jason


    1. Now that the autopsy results/coroners findings have shown Jason was shot from behind by detectives, let's see what becomes of this investigation.

    2. Anonymous,

      Its interesting what you say about Harry McSweeney. I'm a relative of a relative of his. I knew of his death the day before it happened. Multiple members of our family heard that there had been a hit put out on him and that the next time he was going to court he was going to be killed. Whatta know, it happened. It still makes me sick thinking how those so-called police/prison guards got away with murder. My condolences to the Protheroes. I believe the police definately have something to answer for here too.

    3. Hi, I'm Harolds youngest sister and as we have just past another anniversary of his death I still get angry that nothing was done and it was all covered up. Although the guard that shot him couldn't live with himself and ended his own life but I wonder how many others still live with what they did knowing they got away with murder?

    4. To Harolds Younger sister.
      Your brother also killed my grandfather to whom i was very close with and at the age of 50 now i still have horrible memories of what went on . i am so so sorry this is ur brother

    5. when you say "what they did to Harold , like it was unfair , i do not believe it was , he has taken many a family member away from many . Me being one of them and i still struggle at 50 years of age of losing my family member because of he's evil, selfish , cruel ways xx . i don't believe he needs to be forgiven for a God dam thing !!!!

  2. Ian Levers is an absolute disgrace!!! I am so sorry for your loss. Please plead with the coroner to investigate this matter without police involvement. There is no way they can be seen to be impartial. It has been proven time and time again that police will only look for evidence to exonerate their own instead of being impartial and obtaining all of the facts as they are employed to do!!!

  3. I was told the day before Harold McSweeney died that he would be killed trying to escape the next time he fronted court. I tried to ring crime stoppers with the info at the time and they weren't interested. I did tell his family this the next day when I rang to give them my condolences but although it was all over the TV no one had informed his family. This rings of much of the same. A set up.

    1. i wouldn't of informed anyone of his and just let it have happened to this cruel bastard you call Harold !! And how ould have u know the day before can i ask ?

  4. This is the 1st time I have come across this thread. I'm sure I have seen and read everything ever posted. It makes me incredibly upset to read these set ups happen alot to families. I have heard all different stories regarding my father's murder, no one will ever own up to having set him up nor will anyone take responsibility for these crimes they commit than labelled heroes.
