Sunday, August 19, 2012

Letter To Media 19-8-12

19th August 2012

Following the lead story which appeared on National Nine 6pm News on Friday 17th August  2012.  We implore you in the interests of the Queensland public to continue to apply pressure to the Qld Government departments to uncover the full truth of the shooting death of our son Jason Protheroe by a Qld Police Officer.  A follow up story also appeared in the Courier Mail early edition on Saturday 18th August 2012 on page 13 written by Chief Crime Reporter Kate Kyriacou, yet the story was pulled by the time the 2nd edition was released. 

Whilst my family and the majority of Qld citizens believe in the integrity of the average Qld Police officer, there is a great trust by Queenslanders in the media to let us know the truth about events that occur that affect us as Queenslanders.  After 4 months of asking media to tell the people of Queensland the truth one member of the media Shane Doherty from Channel 9 had the courage to lift the lid on this case.  We ask you to put this story under a microscope so that the Qld public knows that they can have faith in the Qld Police hierarchy. 

When the Fitzgerald inquiry took place they formed the CJC which consisted of independant parties as well as senior police officers investigating Qld Police as it was found that corruption existed with police investigating police.  Yet in 2001 Legislation changed and the CJC was replaced by the CMC which now stands at Qld Police investigating Qld Police again, the same system that failed us before.  In May 2011 a report was written for the then Premier Anna Bligh advising of the lack of confidence by the people in Police investigating Police, we have called for an independant review into our son’s death to no avail, as at this stage we have little confidence in the system. 

We fail to understand how these 2 officers remain on active duty, we have written numerous letters requesting that these 2 officers be stood down pending a full and thorough investigation.  At a conference with the Coroner and his team on Wednesday 27th June 2012 we again called for the suspension of these officers and we were told that at that point they had no reason to believe the officers had displayed misconduct and had acted in self defence.  It is now officially clear from the Autopsy report that this is no open and shut case and clearly these officers need to be stood down Today, Now, Immediately.  Based upon the autopsy report and specifically page 8 point 10 that quotes:  “Without further information, it would be difficult if not impossible to interpret and reconstruct how these shots were sustained in the circumstances as described in the Police Form 1”.  These officers have unquestionably lied about how this shooting happened and that alone is misconduct but the sheer thought that the shooting officer Thomas Hess and his partner on the day Troy Weston possibly murdered our son, is undeniably disturbing and the thought of this happening to another person whilst these officers are getting away with it is unconscionable. 

The Qld Police service has a duty of care to the citizens of Qld and whilst we are aware that most Qld Police are indeed honourable it is clear that misconduct and foul play has occurred here and we need the help of Qld media to ensure that these officers are stood down.  Not only have these officers blatantly lied about what happened on the day but the Qld Police Union President Ian Leavers either perpetrated these blatant lies or defended them as his statements to the media stated that our son was shot in the chest and abdomen and our son had hunted and cornered the police down.  We are aware of many other inconsistencies in the statements made by this man including our son having a fully loaded semi automatic pistol but we sit in waiting for official reports to verify what we already know so that these explosive facts can also be released by the media.  Once again we have written numerous letters requesting a public retraction from Ian Leavers and once again had no response from him, however the Premier of Qld Campbell Newman did reply to our letter advising us that he had no control over the Qld Police Union.   

The only eyewitness to the shooting stated on channel 9 news on 18th April 2012 that Jason pulled his pockets out of his pants to show that he had nothing – the autopsy report states on page 2 point 1 under the heading of Clothes: “a black pair of sports shorts with white stripes at the side, Adidas brand.  The side pockets are noted to be turned outside”.  This statement is also a very powerful statement in backing up the words of Crystal Sinn who eye witnessed the whole shooting.  It has never been denied nor is it in question that this person is the sole witness to the killing of our son.

In summary Shane Doherty is our hero.  He listened to us, and followed through on what he told us he was going to do and he aired the truth and opened that can of worms.  We are asking the media and all persons of authority to react to the official facts already known and made public to respond without further delay so that our system works for Queensland.  We are a large close family in turmoil and all we want is to know that justice is served for our son.  I am sure that if this was anybody else’s child, brother, father, cousin, uncle, nephew or close friend they would also seek justice for their loved one.  As was stated on the news on Friday 17th August if the truth is too much to ask we really are in a bad place.  These police officers are still wearing guns and still actively on the job and we don’t wish this to happen to any other family, particularly when the real truth is now officially in the Coroner’s autopsy report with more official documentation pending. 

It has taken 4 months to officially get out what we have known since day 3 and clearly the police have known from day 1, so for 4 months these 2 officers have remained on active duty believing they have gotten away with what we believe to be murder.  Isn’t this official evidence enough to have these officers stood down or do we have to wait for more explosive facts that we know will be proven to be true to come to light and shame these officers and the Qld Police force even further.  Does the Qld media have to expose the truth in full openly and honestly before the Qld Police hierarchy can be seen to be honest, un biased and transparent.    

Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe


  1. Spot on Steve. The Truth will come out mate and the sooner the QLD Police get their heads out of there backsides and try to stop saving themselves then justice will be served !

  2. I saw 9 news story and the truth is disturbing. I wish you all the luck in the world taking on the system I really hope you find the truth and your son gets justice may he rest in peace

  3. Congratulations Steve. Keep up the good work. What you are doing is so important for all Australians!

  4. The media need to release this information to the public in full and those 2 officers need to be suspended from duty immediately

    1. I agree totally, although the police in question should have been stood down on the 17th of april I say. Jason was a good man, very caring and never violent. He did not deserve to die for no reason or have his name run through the mud, but anyone that knew him knows the media and police stuffed up big time.

  5. shared , I hhope for your sake Steve you and your family gets justice as Thu s us absolutely disgraceful -

  6. The Qld Police along with the CMC are utter scum & corrupt dirtbags, you will never get anywhere, the Police union are too powerful, they own the Government and they but whoever they want to when needed,,, Magistrates, Judges, Politicians etc. Justice would only occur if they murdered a politicians son or a judges son.

  7. Queensland pigs are THE most corrupt "Pig Force" the world has EVER known. They are about to get their punishment once the OMC's discover how to access Executive Outcomes via the Tor network & MILITARY GRADE WEAPONS are placed into the OMC's hands.
    IF there is such a thing as a decent Queensland cop, get out now, before it's too late.
    We are headed direrctly & swiftly, towards full blown CIVIL WAR in Queensland due to this FERAL SCUM.
