Monday, June 4, 2012

Letter Demanding Public Apology

This is the letter that we have sent to Ian Leavers - The President of Queensland Police Union

To Mr Leavers

Nearly 7 weeks ago our son was shot dead by a Queensland Police Officer, we have stood by and waited for a public apology from Ian Leavers the President of the Qld Police Union and to this day it has not been forthcoming.  We are both disgusted and appalled by the statements made by Mr Leavers which at best was misinformed information or at worst outright lies that were told, and yet he has had no respect or consideration for us as the family to correct these statements.  We continue to co-operate fully with the ethical standards and internal investigation branch of the Qld Police in their investigations into the police shooting death of my son Jason on Tuesday 17th April this year.  We presently continue to believe that the majority of the men and woman within the Qld Police Force and the citizens of our state believe that my son hunted and aimed a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol at two police officers with an intent to shoot them dead and gave them no choice but to shoot or be shot as was stated by the Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers on national television. 
The facts of the case as they have been determined by the investigating officers are as follows:
The weapon that was alledgedly found at the scene that my son was alledged to be pointing at an officer was a toy replica pistol.   The facts as we know them are that only one officer was ever in a situation with my son, the other officer had already left the home to go to the car.  The gun that Mr Leavers claimed was a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol on the 6pm national news and continued with these allegations the following day publicly.
Mr Leavers also stated that my son was shot twice, once in the chest and once in the abdomen, the true fact is that 4 shell casings were alledgedly found and 3 bullets alledgedly located.  Two of these bullets hit our son one in the back and the other in the back of the left shoulder.  The 3rd bullet located passed through the back neighbours wooden fence and went into a neighbours toilet flute.
I ask you what gives you the right to taint the evidence from day one?  The Queensland Police Commisioner was interviewed the same day but gave absolutely no facts relating to the case other than it was being investigated, he chose to do the right thing where as you felt you had the right to taint the evidence and publicise incorrect information and then not correct it even 7 weeks after the event occurred.
Based on this evidence alone, we would call for you to make a public apology immediately and correct the tainted evidence that you publicly stated from day one.  If you refuse to retract these statements without hesitation I along with the support of my family will have no other option but to take further action including the naming and shaming of the two officers involved to begin with.  This matter is not going to go away I will not rest until I know the absolute truth as to what happened on the day my son was killed.  I have the full support of my family as well as many other people within the community and I am not prepared to let this sit for 12 months or more until a coronial inquest takes place.
Stephen Protheroe


  1. So sad, the public need to be made aware of this and this representative of police needs to apologise and correct the facts given to the public. I for one had judged this man guilty and in reading this site it appears he may indeed be innocent.

  2. This police Union guys needs to set the facts straight and do the right thing by this man's family and the people of Queensland

  3. You won't get an apology. You won't get an answer either. They are above the law. The government is not at all concerned about the dishonesty within QPS. I admire you and the stand you are taking. All anyone wants is the truth, it's the very least we expect. We take it for granted until something like this happens and when you finally get your head around the truth of what QPS is doing to you and your family, you are astounded, horrified, angry, and angry at those who explain it away. The lies are mounting, the people covering for each other are growing. The internal investigative process of QPS is the problem.

  4. The People are rapidly increasing in numbers with their annoyance on laws that do not serve communities purpose.

  5. what is this world coming to when the police cant even offer an apology, i recently had the misfortune to have a story in the paper regarding my son, a bikie that was charged, there were so many conflicting stories making out he was a standover man accused of assault, not only was he not there he was not involved in any way, but thrown into jail any way, the way the police spoke about the situation on tv would have the toughest person running scared of my son, i wonder when he is found innocent will we get an apology as well, i doubt it , my deepest sympathy to you on the death of your son, and yes you deserve an apology,
