Monday, September 29, 2014

Rememberance Day

29th September 2014

Today is National Police Remembrance day for the brave and selfless officers who lost their lives defending our rights as citizens to live in peace and safety.  They are true heroes who deserve to be recognised and I ask that if you can’t march with them then at least give them a minutes silence out of respect and thanks.  I personally salute them for their sacrifices and offer my heartfelt condolences to all of their families.  Lest we forget.  Having said that there is a particular element in all Police Forces in my mind particularly the Qld Police Force which has a rogue element using their badges and guns as a licence to kill or murder and is supported by the mateship mentality of the Qld Government and Qld Police hierarchy.
On 17th April 2012 my son Jason was shot twice in the back of his body and died at the hands of Qld Police Officer Detective Thomas Hess from Carseldine Police station.  At the Coronial Inquest Coroner Michael Barnes found that Detective Thomas Hess acted within the grounds of the law despite the overwhelming evidence that my son was unarmed.  In a cowardly and unprecedented move five days after the closing of the inquest he then went on to gag the evidence so the public could never hear the true version of the events that transpired that fateful day.
There is a group called Australian Police Watch which was set up for victims of crime by Police.  I became aware of this organisation after my son’s death and recently I received an invitation to attend a Police Victims Remembrance Day on Sunday October 26, 2014.  Never did I know that I myself or my family would become victims of crime by Police, Police Hierarchy and the Qld Government.  I urge all Australians to read not only my blog site but to support this Police Victims Remembrance day to support all the victims of police crime and cover ups.  From the outset I said my resolve would never waiver and it hasn’t nor will it.  There is a state election looming in March 2015, I intend to bring my son’s death to the forefront of this election and make Campbell Newman and his Government accountable for what they are refusing to do about genuine complaints about the Qld Police Force. 
In closing, lest we forget our fallen Police Officers and lest we forget my son Jason and lest we forget the victims of Police Crime and lest we forget what this government has done to protect the citizens from the rogue elements that I have spoken about.           

Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe

Friday, September 12, 2014

Letter to our supporters

13th September 2014

I woke this morning with thoughts of my son Jason as I have done for the last 2 1/2 years.  Recently I have noticed an upsurge in the amount of followers who are supporting our fight for justice for Jason.  The support network is not only spreading throughout Australia but around the world as well.  In recent media headlines notable cases are Gerard Baden Clay for the killing of his wife Allison and Oscar Pistorius for the killing of his girlfriend Reeva.  One was said to be a professional business man and the other a professional sports person.  Both claimed they were not guilty of committing crimes against their partners as do most defendants accused of these crimes, both have faced a criminal trial and both were found guilty.  The dilemma I face every morning since my son’s death is why should Qld Police Officer Thomas Hess who without doubt killed my son by way of 2 bullets into the back of my son’s body verified by the pathologist who performed the autopsy and witnessed by a civilian who was in the backyard at the time of the killing and had full view of what happened. 
For the gratitude of our supporters whom I have never met I am a 59 year old father of 5 children (including Jason) and a grandfather to 12 children.  I am constantly asked by my wife and adult sons where things stand with justice being served for Jason.  I constantly feel inadequate to my family as everything takes time and it feels like forever.  From the outset I have faced a hostile government, a hostile justice system, a hostile police force but I will not back down.  I have been threatened, I have lost faith in the justice system of Queensland, I have lost faith in the Premier of Queensland, I have lost my eldest son but I will not give up on having the killer of my son brought to justice.  I want to thank each and every one of you for your support you have given me to date and I ask that you continue that support by sharing this story with everyone you know.  I am not asking for money I am asking for help to bring my son’s killer to justice. 
Another high profile killing of a Queensland citizen also killed by a Qld Police Officer was Cameron Doomadgee in 2004 where a community rioted and burnt the Palm Island Police station down.  Whist I would never instigate or condone any form of violent protest what so ever, the one thing that can be said about the Cameron Doomadgee case is that the community stuck together and stood up to a hostile government.   I’m simply asking that as a community we stick together and hold this government to account that laws are passed that a uniform, a badge and a gun does not give you the right to kill or possibly murder any citizen and not face a jury and have the facts tested within a court of law by an independent jury.
At the Coronial Inquest, to my knowledge Coroner Michael Barnes in his findings chose to ignore not only the facts presented by our barrister Sam Di Carlo and Solicitor Craig Stevenson but also the summary of his own right hand man Peter Johns.  He found that Thomas Hess had acted within the grounds of the law ignoring all the factual evidence presented that stated otherwise.  To then add more fuel to the fire the Coroner in an unprecedented move then placed a gag order on the case 5 days following the inquest.  So our fight for Justice has led us to social media as the media has been gagged and they will not help us in our fight no matter how many facts we present to them as they are all too scared of this government.  What happened to freedom of speech?  
I often ask myself why me? Why Jason? Why my family? This could have happened to any person anywhere in Queensland.  If this person had been anyone but a Queensland Police Officer I believe I would have faced a sympathetic police hierarchy and government.  Even after all that has happened I hold no malice towards the Queensland Police Force as a whole, I still believe that majority of our Qld Police Force are fighting to serve and protect us as citizens of our state.  I also believe that most decent and honourable Police Officers agree that Thomas Hess should face a jury.  It is a blight on the Queensland Premier and government that as a citizen of Queensland holding most of the evidence of this case I should have to take out a private prosecution against the killer of my son knowing the evidence exactly as I know it, simply because this person is a Police Officer.  I currently have my legal team preparing for this.     
The reality is simple Thomas Hess by his own admission deliberately shot and killed my son, he doesn’t deny it.  So the question is what is this government trying to cover up? Campbell Newman said after the last Stafford Bi election where his team was thrashed that he would start listening to the people.  Well he’s not listening to me or my family and it is quite clear that this Government after receiving letters from the Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie and Deputy Police Commissioner Ross Barnett wants me silenced.  This government and Police force has clearly swept my son’s death under a carpet to protect their own.  There is an election looming early next year and with your help I ask that if they’re not prepared to bring Thomas Hess to a jury trial then as a united front you help me rid us of this government and sweep it under a carpet, just as they did with my son’s death.

Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe