Sunday, September 15, 2013

Letter to Peter Johns - Coroners Counsel - 14/9/2013

Hi Peter


During the course of the Coronial Inquest we got to know each other and I hope you realise that I will not idly sit by and allow not only forensic evidence to be destroyed but all of the recorded phone calls that I had with officers within the Ethical Standards branch.  This is evidence that not only proves the incompetence of the investigators but the possible tainting of evidence that appears to have run rampant through this entire investigation.  For example without our email that we presented to you regarding Inspector Reed and the Ethical Standards team being fully aware that we had in fact stated in writing that Steven (Jnr) had discussed Krystal Sinn stating that Jason was unarmed on the day.


In our quest for the truth, we have decided that there is enough evidence for this to go to a court of law.  I’ll state again that in my belief one man does not have the power to decide whether Thomas Hess acted in a legal and responsible manner in taking the life of my son.  We are taking our time to gather all information and materials to proceed with a private prosecution.  I am still requesting that no evidence what so ever be destroyed as it will all be needed for the trial.  I am also again requesting copies of all recorded telephone conversations between myself and members of Ethical Standards unit and any records that have not been given to us.  Well may the Coroner Michael Barnes sweep my son’s death under a rug and then leave his position within days allowing us to face more obstacles of dealing with a new Coroner who has no knowledge of the case and well may the new Coroner say that he’s not prepared to release anything further to me, I want it all evidence kept and not destroyed.  Michael Barnes may have gone away but I haven’t and neither has my quest to find the truth.


Also, could you please advise exact steps required to appeal the Corner’s decision and have his findings overturned. 




Steve Protheroe


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