Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Letter 15/7/2014

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Stephen Protheroe



My name is Stephen Protheroe. I’m the father of Jason Protheroe. Three days prior to the disappearance and murder of Alison Baden Clay my son Jason was shot dead by Queensland Police Officer Thomas Hess by way of two gun shot wounds to the back of his body.

The only difference between Gerard Baden Clay and Thomas Hess getting away with murder is that Baden Clay chose the wrong career. He should have become a Qld Police Detective and have his police gang mates lie and protect him with their brotherhood mentality, and a government too scared or too corrupt to stand up and give my son Jason a fair chance at justice, like what was given to Alison and her family.

Unlike Alison, the evidence at Jason's coronial inquest was not circumstantial. There was an eye witness to the murder of my son by Detective Thomas Hess. The only other witness was Senior Constable Troy Weston, the partner of Thomas Hess.

At Jason’s coronial inquest, lead council assisting the Coroner, Peter Johns, stated that very little weight should be placed on the evidence from Senior Constable Troy Weston. Peter Johns also stated in his closing submissions that there was no basis on which you would comfortably find or find at all that Krystal Sinn (the independent, non-police eye witness) lied.

Police Minister Jack Dempsy, on national television, promised my family and the public an open and transparent investigation, yet five days after the closure of the inquest, coroner Michael Barnes gagged all the evidence from the media and the public.  I believe this was done solely because of my efforts to inform the public of the facts that came out during the course of the inquiry that was paramount to the disclosure of the real truth.  I believe it also proves that Jack Dempsy’s words were nothing more than a disguise to fool the people of this state in an attempt to cover the actions of his own men.

A jury of twelve people found Gerard Baden Clay guilty of Alison's murder based on circumstantial evidence. The media was not intimidated and printed what appeared to be the truth for Alison and her family. And yet five days after closing the coronial inquest into Jason’s death, coroner Michael Barnes gagged all of the evidence from the public and the media, preventing the truth from being told. What was he or the Queensland Government scared of? Take a police officer out of this equation and ask yourself how many coroners decisions are gagged from media and public scrutiny. As I’ve stated before, a badge and a gun does not give you the right to kill!

 As Jason’s father I’m aware of the real evidence and my resolve will not be broken.  I believe the killer of my son, Police Officer, Thomas Hess is no different to Gerard Baden Clay, Husband and real estate agent and therefore should not be treated any differently because he chose a career as a Qld police officer.

In summary, I have been threatened by the Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie with contempt of court if I persist in speaking the truth of the gagged evidence of my sons murder-on this blog.

 The media may be too scared to print the truth about my son for fear of retribution by the government run court system, but I am not. I intend to defy the corrupt order given by Coroner Michael Barnes and will openly share the real visual and audio evidence supplied by the Police officer who put two bullets into the back of my son’s body, Detective Constable Thomas Hess, his partner, Senior Detective Troy Weston and independent eye witness Crystal Sinn who are the only people present at the time of my son’s death.

I would like to sincerely offer my condolences to the family of Alison Baden Clay. May you finally find peace and closure.


Myself and my family stand alone. We do not have the support of the government and now the gag order has prevented us from having the support of the media.

Please help us in our quest to be heard by giving your opinions and use social media to share with your friends. 


Steve Protheroe


  1. Good on you. Our family also dealt with Coroner Michael Barnes and that Bleijie. To me they were both utterly incompetent. I personally am aware of multiple instances of police and prison guard corruption in this state, and the lies that have been dealt through the rotten government. I hope you find justice for your son, just as I hope our family finds justice.

  2. Steve, I also applaud you. There are a few things you may not have been aware of. I believe the press print what the police want printed. In the GBC case things were leaked and printed that were never raised at the case. The same way things that should have been investigated were not followed through, until a neighbour came forward a 'second time'. Police investigate what proves their agenda and ignore what does not head in that direction. I have no connection with the GBC case, just was very interested to observe the same shortfalls in the investigative skills of the police.
    I would not give the media the benefit of the doubt. They are not to scared to print the truth. They will use a person for a story, and then dump them at the instructions of the police. They used you when it suited them. They used me when it suited them.
    You also miss the connection of fire services and police. Essential services look after each other.
    You would not have the support of the media even without the gag order.
    Once the police with the support of their judiciary have achieved a stitch up the media conveniently "sees the light" and believes what the police have leaked to them.
    What of the Leahy family, the papers were conveniently filed late, and that family has to live with the cold case with most people believing the friend shot her best friend then herself. Police in the first case stuffed up big time. The husband who slept with his teenage sister in law the same night, lives a free life with all expenses reimbursed by the tax payer of Queensland.
    Your family is not alone. We all fight for justice. There is nothing like "Justice Denied" to unite people.

    Fight on Steve, you are not alone.

  3. We were told the same as Jack Dempsey promised you. An Assistant Commissioner promised my husband our son would be investigated by someone completely removed from the section. He said "I can assure you" However surprise surprise, It was investigated by 2 people from the same line of command, one an immediate superior, and rubber stamped by a Deputy on his last day before he retired. The assistant commissioner later replied to my husband, "he was not the decision maker" Does this seem like they all wear blinkers and pretend it is not going on? Maybe the fact that this A/C was one of 2 contenders for the position of Commissioner he was happy to not ruffle feathers?

    Although our son was a police officer, he had spoken out against corruption within the QPS so when he made a very minor mistake, that would normally amount to managerial guidance at worst, he was dishonestly investigated with untested and undocumented statements. Heard with the solicitor paid by the police union with a conflict of interest ( police union pays the solicitor / police union has to protect the senior officer hence he cuts the junior officer loose) Police Union will support any officer against the public up to the tune of a million dollars. As we all observed with Arndt, Price, Doomadgee. But in my son's case, they had spent $24,000 and the solicitor happened to agree with the union? Until we paid for his advice.

    The Premier has from day one of LNP winning government been critical of the CMC. But when we wrote to him, his suggestion was for us to refer it to the CMC "as they are the organisation to hold all government departments to account"
    The CMC sends it straight back to the ESC of QPS who says our son could have spoken at the hearing. He gave his opinion to the solicitor, but accepted the solicitors opinion about submissions and was denied giving evidence at QCAT.

    It did not cost him his life, as your son did, but Queensland is now policed by a police service that hides behind a legal system that is corrupt, and the 'bad' police protected by a police union financed by the government, and both police and union hand in hand with the government.

  4. We all observed Ian Leavers declaring that he would always support a working police officer who makes a mistake. We all observed him shoulder to shoulder with Arndt when he continued to support the officer financially and morally despite the evidence of the CCTV footage. We saw him prepared to make an untruthful statement covering for Hess.
    But this changes when an officer is targeted by a more senior officer. He is very much alone except for a few good friends who know the truth.
    Truth and honesty will win in the long run.

  5. When we experience a police service who accepts officers who lie to achieve the outcome another officer wants, I would not trust any police investigation ever.

    Complaints are answered with "he could have made these points at the investigation himself" He did. His solicitor made submissions. It was ignored by all. Not as blatant as in Iraq, but police rule just the same.

  6. Just over 12 months ago I was arrested and charged for crimes I never commited. No evidence was ever found and I was guilty without the chance to prove my innocence.

    1. When I complain to CMC ( that marvellous body) that Campbell Newman has complained about since the day he won government, but he must consider it OK for the run of the mill people {those who voted for him--last time--not again} The CMC reply that the ESC of police, who they refer everything to, has replied that our son could have raised these points himself at the internal hearing, that he could have been questioned himself. When I asked the solicitor why he advised our son to not be cross examined, he laughed, "QPS will not allow it. Could you imagine QPS allowing that?" QCAT reply "that our son chose to not be cross examined" Again, another barrister and solicitor reply, "Fresh evidence was denied by QPS and therefore our son was not allowed to be cross examined."
      He has been bitten by an offender, punched in the head & knocked to the ground by a person escaping, bitten by a stone fish (Commissioner Atkinson could personally phone him then), taken the fall for a CO when Beattie was holding Parliament in Townsville, been the highest achieving dog squad officer for a time, but when targeted by an A/C and his lap dog Inspector, the most minor of errors is dishonestly investigated with untested undocumented statements to destroy his integrity. Why? To have him forcefully transferred from his position. He is told he can go anywhere he likes in that command, but not the dog squad. Another lap dog A/Assistant /Commissioner tells him "they are changing the culture of the dog squad." Would anyone want their child to join such an organisation? Don't think 'It only happens to a few' If it's your child, it's impossible to cope with. The untruth protected by the government. The conflict of interest with solicitor paid by the union who represent CO and NCO. But if our child was Hurley, Arndt, Price, or Hess he would be supported and protected regardless of the cost. But because he is targeted by an assistant commissioner guilty of nepotism with a present MP he will be transferred from his position that he worked hard to achieve as pay back. The A/C guilty of Nepotism has been finished, but the others, the AAC, now assistant commissioner, Inspector, Inspector of Counter Terrorism and A/Inspector of OSC then. Goodness knows what their title is now that they have been rewarded for being so successful in lying. As the government is only concerned about being re-elected they have no interest in this dishonesty within police. I can only think of one way of getting them to listen.

  7. Anonymous Sept 1 2014. Before I experienced the internal investigative process of QPS and Ian Leavers of police union, I would not have believed you. You say 'guilty without the chance to prove my innocence', and I would also hazard a guess that anything that would have given you any form of natural justice, was ignored or conveniently found to be of no benefit. Even discounted by the QCAT member / Magistrate / Judge. Is a real concern when one can not trust the law enforcers and the law makers.

  8. Anonymous Sept 1 2014---any follow on?
