Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Letter to Attorney General

20th January 2015
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
Jarrod Bleijie
Level 18
State Law Building
50 Ann Street
Brisbane Qld 4000
Dear Mr Bleijie
On Friday 15th January 2015 and again on Saturday 16th January 2015 Ian Leavers Qld Police Union President appeared on national news stations across the country after chairing a press conference to expose the private prosecution I have filed against Senior Constable Thomas Hess for murder/manslaughter over the shooting death of my son Jason Protheroe on 17th April 2012.  Not only did he expose that I had taken out the said summons which by itself is questionable if not totally illegal within the grounds of the law but he in detail said that Thomas Hess had been cleared by all independent investigative bodies which in my judgement I can only assume means Ethical Standards who are the Police, Crime and Misconduct Commission who are the Police and a Coronial Inquest that only has the power to gather the evidence but does not have the power to find a person guilty or not guilty.  In my mind this power can only come from an independent jury of 12 people which I have been pursuing since the Coronial findings were delivered by Coroner Michael Barnes.  I believe and I’m asking you to investigate my belief that all of Ian Leavers statements and actions on the 15th and 16th January 2015 are tantamount to trying to pervert the course of justice.  My understanding as a lay person when I originally took out the summons and was issued with a copy of the Justices Act 1886, I was told very clearly that publication is prohibited as in section 102F.  I suggest that this condition not only applied to me but also to Ian Leavers and anyone else who was in the position to divulge this information including my own legal team and family members.  Due to the statements made by Ian Leavers it has been suggested through the mainstream media of this state that the Attorney General has been asked to strike out the charges and is currently seeking legal advice.  If this is the case, I ask for your immediate response or a meeting with myself and my legal team prior to the case being heard to discuss Ian Leavers’ actions and discuss your intentions.  As a father of 5 and a grandfather of 12 this has never been about revenge, payback or compensation, it’s simply about finding the truth as to the circumstances behind my son Jason’s death.  In order to find the truth all the inconsistencies need to be tried and tested within a court of law by 12 independent people.   
Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe      


  1. We now have a new government. We wait to see if it is any different. Will honesty be foremost in each and every case, police officer or the public? Will the government finally demand honesty in every police internal investigation? Killing? Excessive force? Surely as we observe PTSD in the army honesty would be the place to start. Lies told to brick an officer should see those officers face criminal charges, instead of climbing higher. Lies told by persons not present should be treated as untruths for a purpose. It would not be hard, simple really. The public see straight through the lies and untruths. It is not a game played out to beat the system, to appear that justice had been done, while it was not any better than the drug deals done by criminals. Lives are put on hold as families fight for justice. The soldier on Four corners said he will probably be angry for the rest of his life because of the way the army treated him, after many good years of good work. Commissioner Stewart, how would you and your wife feel if it was your son?

  2. good luck with the private prosecution Stephen.
    Ian Leavers is trying to interfere with due process of law.Which is a criminal offence- contempt of court.
    No need to beg the attorney general- file a private prosecution against him too.

    He routinely abuses his access to the licensed media to taint the minds of potential jurors, and to help criminal police escape punishment.
    In such a climate police will shoot people in the belief they are above the law.
    Ian Leavers should be imprisoned

  3. Please never give up the quest for truth - whatever it costs. It is an Honourable and righteous thing to seek answers to our questions. I really feel for your family and friends. May you be granted your wish and gain some peace of mind. Keep up the good fight and never say die!
