Saturday, November 17, 2012

18th November 2012

Qld Police Commissioner

Dear Commissioner Stewart

My name is Stephen Protheroe and as you are the new Queensland Police Commissioner I am writing to you about my son Jason Protheroe who was shot dead by Thomas Hess a member of the Qld Police force on April 17 2012 at 21 Ivor Street Bracken Ridge.  This matter is currently under investigation and a full coronial inquest is still pending.       

I want to start by saying that I do not have a vendetta against the Queensland Police Service as a whole, most of the officers are fine upstanding men and women and exercise a duty of care whilst doing their job.  I understand that you are an extremely busy man, however, I offer you an open invitation to visit with my wife and I at our home to discuss the issues that will not just go away.  I am neither bias, impartial nor hysterical regarding the known facts of this case. 

Most of the information available is on my blog site which I welcome you to view the correspondence via

 On approximately 20th April when I visited the John Tonge Centre I swore on my son’s body that I would not rest until I was certain that the truth had been uncovered and that I would know in my heart what took place the day my son was killed.  My resolve has not weakened and I remain truly focused on the truth be it good or bad.  I watch on as my entire family remains in complete turmoil since the death of their brother.  We have co-operated fully with the Police, Ethical Standards and the State Coroner including offering into evidence photos that they were unaware of.

I have made several requests to have Thomas Hess and Troy Weston stood down from active duty from the Queensland Police Force pending the outcome of this inquest but it has fallen on deaf ears.  As you are now the new Police Commissioner I now formally call on you to make a call on the integrity of these officers who remain armed and on active duty.  If you feel that these officers deserve to remain on active duty can you explain to my wife and I why?  I also ask you to join me in demanding the resignation of the Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers and a public apology to my family and I due to tainting of the evidence provided by him to the media on the 17th and 18th April and on the Steve Austin ABC 612 radio interview on the 30th August 2012.

Nothing from this horrible day makes sense, the stories do not add up and the different accounts of the day from the only eye witness and Thomas Hess differ dramatically.  Even without the statement of the eye witness the facts do not coincide with what Thomas Hess stated happened on the day.  Also taking into account, the fact that Ian Leavers Queensland Police Union President appeared on National TV stating that my son hunted these police officers down giving them no choice to shoot or be shot.  He stated that my son had a fully loaded semi automatic pistol and was shot in the chest and the abdomen when in fact he was shot in the back.

In Summary, I implore you to visit our home and speak with my wife and I and look at the facts of the case with an open mind.  I need to speak with you in an informal manner and atmosphere regarding the facts of this case.  You may ask us any questions what so ever regarding this case and I invite you to openly record my answers so you can then determine whether we are neither bias, impartial nor hysterical.  In the interests of protecting the integrity of you and the entire Queensland Police Force I ask that you help us uncover the truth behind our son’s death.

Yours Faithfully
Stephen Protheroe

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Letter to Coroners Counsel

8th September 2012                                                                                                                  
Dear Peter
I am writing to you with regard to several points that are troubling me at this time.  As you may be aware I have recently been active in several media interviews including channel  nine news and abc 612 radio with Steve Austin.  The other thing that you may not be aware of is that I have also spoken to residents within the street about the incident again.  I note that all the residents I have spoken to have not been re-contacted by the police and also advise that they were never interviewed or asked to clarify anything, they purely gave statements and nothing more. 
I would like to address a point regarding Crystal’s dog that was at the premises on the day of the shooting.  Witnesses have said that the dog was not heard barking and yet that dog barked constantly all day everyday at anything and everything.  To my knowledge this dog was a chronic watchdog, a large French mastiff, that had to be closed in by extended wire on top of the fence so it couldn’t jump the fence and attack passers by.  Witnesses have also stated that they did not see the dog or hear it until it was taken away from the property on a stretcher by 4 people later in the afternoon placing it into what appeared to be a dog pound van.  I have also been told that the dog was bleeding, I believe all of these questions are relevant to the case and answers need to be given as to what happened to the dog.  Jason had stated on many occasions to all of us in his family that the dog never stopped barking  and never let him in the house without barking its head off and Crystal has also verified this.  I have also heard the first 5 – 6 minutes of when the shooting officer turned on his recording device after he shot my son and I do not believe at anytime I heard a dog barking.  Our question remains as to how Jason got past the dog without it barking or how these officers ran around the yard without the dog barking.  I have contacted the Bracken Ridge animal shelter to try and get answers to these questions and I was referred to a supervisor who could not answer any of my questions and in fact became quite defensive, I have since put these questions in writing via email to the Bracken Ridge animal shelter.
In your email dated Monday 3rd September you stated that you don’t expect the full brief of evidence to be available until mid November, the time frame continues to bother me especially since we were told on the day that we met with you and the Coroner and his team that the ethical standards officers had been put on this case alone and were not working on any other cases as this case was there priority.  I am yet to understand what the hold up is with the release of evidence considering that Ethical Standards and the Homicide squad advised me that they had concluded their investigation some time ago, which I believe was approximately 6 weeks after the shooting occurred.
I also wish to ask why Mr Ian Leavers once again appeared on ABC 612 radio on Thursday 30/8/12 and channel nine news on the same date and stated that there is evidence which is unknown to the public that clearly vindicates the police, my question is are we aware of all the evidence or is evidence still being withheld from us?  As if we are aware of all the evidence then I have no idea what Mr Leavers is speaking about, the only thing I could possibly think of that he was speaking about was the Facebook photos which I gave to the Ethical Standards officers and have now after Mr Leavers allegations released to the media.  I fail to see how the Facebook photos are relevant especially when DNA was not found on the barrel which these photos clearly displayed this replica pistol in Jason’s mouth, not withstanding that 4 other people had also touched this gun in these photo’s plus the shooting officer who alledgedly threw this replica on the day.  The alledged weapon found by Jason’s body on the day of the shooting only contained DNA on the handle and once again no prints at all.    
Mr Leavers has also stated that the Protheroe family has regularly made misleading and prejudicial statements about this matter, I believe that Mr Leavers needs to be very careful about statements he is making against my family when my family has done nothing of the sort.  I am the family spokesperson and Mr Leavers needs to direct any comments to me not my family.   Mr Leavers has also stated that I am out of my league and that parents with children as criminals like to believe that butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth.  I am neither hysterical nor blindsided by my deceased son’s petty criminal activity or his history with drugs and I certainly have never claimed any differently.  All I have ever said is that my son never deserved to die this way and I still believe that with all my heart.  So once again I express my concerns that the shooting officer and his partner on the day need to be stood down from active duty until the Coroner makes a ruling on this investigation and Mr Ian Leavers needs to be investigated for misconduct as a member of the Qld Police Force as per the letter from the Criminal Misconduct Commission that I have received.  Mr Leavers stated that I am saying there is a Police cover up and I have never stated this I have purely questioned the statements he made on the day of the shooting and I continue to question those statements today and now the further statements he has made.  I am writing a further letter to the Criminal Misconduct Commission to request that Mr Ian Leavers be fully investigated for tainting of evidence and personal attack on my family.
I would also like to raise the point as to why the detectives who came to my house to investigate the stolen car out front of our house on the day requested if Jason returned home to call 000.  I wonder why I was told to call 000 when it is consistently said that 000 should be used for life threatening emergency calls only.  As previously stated we all felt a sense of urgency from the detective to find Jason.  I replied with the fact that 000 takes a long response time and he replied with well call me and I will be here within 10 minutes no matter where I am.
I would also once again like to know what happened to Jason’s shirt and hooded jumper that Ethical Standards advised us he was wearing.  We have repeatedly asked where these items are and we have received no response at all.  I also note that these items were not noted under his clothing on the autopsy report so who has them.
I also would like to ask why we still have not received a hard copy of Jason’s autopsy report as yet when we were advised one would be mailed to us on the day that we received the copy via email.
Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe

Letter to CMC

30th September 2012
Ref No: MI-12-1527/MDP
Att: Dianne McFarlane – Director
Mark Pollock
I refer to your letter dated 17th August 2012 in relation to my concerns about Mr Ian Leavers, Queensland Police Union of Employees President.  In this letter you stated that the CMC has considered this matter in detail.  On the available information the allegation, if proved, amount to Police misconduct.  You stated that the Police Commissioner has primary responsibility to deal with Police misconduct, the matter is considered appropriate for the QPS to deal with, subject the CMC’s monitoring role.  Since our initial communications there has been a further development which I wish to include in my complaint.
On Thursday 30th August 2012 I did a radio interview with Steve Austin on ABC 612 and Ian Leavers Queensland Police Union of Employees President also did an interview following mine, I have attached a link to the transcript of the interviews for you to listen to.
After Mr Leavers made allegations on this programme that there was evidence available to vindicate the officers involved I released to channel nine news these Facebook photograph’s that had not been made public as far as I am aware.  These photo’s consisted of photos of Jason and some others taken quite some time before Jason’s death of them having a replica pistol, I had handed them to Ethical Standards as part of their investigation.  Once again after these photos were released via channel nine news Mr Leavers once again went on National Nine news and made more statements.  Unfortunately there is no link to the news story but we do have a recording of the news that night if you should wish to view it.
My concerns I wish to add to my complaint include Mr Leavers interview on ABC 612 and channel nine news, I have never stated that there is a cover up.  He yet again has tainted the evidence by the remarks he made during these interviews.  I would like a response from you as to how the investigation into his misconduct is proceeding and also if you are going to investigate these new allegations.
Yours Sincerely

Stephen Protheroe

Letter To Animal Shelter

8th September 2012
Attention: Senior Management
I write today after a visit to your Bracken Ridge shelter in Qld on Monday 3rd September 2012 and spoke to a customer service officer who advised me that the supervisor Corrine wasn’t there and she would have her call me the following day.  I left my contact details with her after explaining who I was and what had happened at the said address and why I needed the information.  I didn’t hear from Corrine until I made a follow up call on Thursday 6th September to her.  Corrine advised that she could give me little information and her boss would call me straight back, however I did not hear back from her either.
I have a few questions I require someone to provide me with answers on regarding the dog (Boody which I believe it is a French mastiff) that was taken from Ivor Street Bracken Ridge on 17th April 2012 after my son was shot dead by a member of the Qld Police Force.
The questions are as follows:
1)      I have been informed by a witness that the dog was taken from the property on a stretcher by 4 people, I would like to know if this information is correct?
2)      I have also been informed that the dog was bleeding, was the dog injured in anyway?
3)      Who called the council to come and pick the dog up and at what time did this take place?
4)      What time was the dog taken away from the premises?
5)      Was the dog seen by a vet?
6)      How was the dog silenced as many witnesses claim that the dog made no noise at all and yet it barked non-stop usually at anything or anybody?
7)      When was the dog picked up from the pound?
This is an urgent matter and I look forward to your immediate response.
Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Letter To Media 19-8-12

19th August 2012

Following the lead story which appeared on National Nine 6pm News on Friday 17th August  2012.  We implore you in the interests of the Queensland public to continue to apply pressure to the Qld Government departments to uncover the full truth of the shooting death of our son Jason Protheroe by a Qld Police Officer.  A follow up story also appeared in the Courier Mail early edition on Saturday 18th August 2012 on page 13 written by Chief Crime Reporter Kate Kyriacou, yet the story was pulled by the time the 2nd edition was released. 

Whilst my family and the majority of Qld citizens believe in the integrity of the average Qld Police officer, there is a great trust by Queenslanders in the media to let us know the truth about events that occur that affect us as Queenslanders.  After 4 months of asking media to tell the people of Queensland the truth one member of the media Shane Doherty from Channel 9 had the courage to lift the lid on this case.  We ask you to put this story under a microscope so that the Qld public knows that they can have faith in the Qld Police hierarchy. 

When the Fitzgerald inquiry took place they formed the CJC which consisted of independant parties as well as senior police officers investigating Qld Police as it was found that corruption existed with police investigating police.  Yet in 2001 Legislation changed and the CJC was replaced by the CMC which now stands at Qld Police investigating Qld Police again, the same system that failed us before.  In May 2011 a report was written for the then Premier Anna Bligh advising of the lack of confidence by the people in Police investigating Police, we have called for an independant review into our son’s death to no avail, as at this stage we have little confidence in the system. 

We fail to understand how these 2 officers remain on active duty, we have written numerous letters requesting that these 2 officers be stood down pending a full and thorough investigation.  At a conference with the Coroner and his team on Wednesday 27th June 2012 we again called for the suspension of these officers and we were told that at that point they had no reason to believe the officers had displayed misconduct and had acted in self defence.  It is now officially clear from the Autopsy report that this is no open and shut case and clearly these officers need to be stood down Today, Now, Immediately.  Based upon the autopsy report and specifically page 8 point 10 that quotes:  “Without further information, it would be difficult if not impossible to interpret and reconstruct how these shots were sustained in the circumstances as described in the Police Form 1”.  These officers have unquestionably lied about how this shooting happened and that alone is misconduct but the sheer thought that the shooting officer Thomas Hess and his partner on the day Troy Weston possibly murdered our son, is undeniably disturbing and the thought of this happening to another person whilst these officers are getting away with it is unconscionable. 

The Qld Police service has a duty of care to the citizens of Qld and whilst we are aware that most Qld Police are indeed honourable it is clear that misconduct and foul play has occurred here and we need the help of Qld media to ensure that these officers are stood down.  Not only have these officers blatantly lied about what happened on the day but the Qld Police Union President Ian Leavers either perpetrated these blatant lies or defended them as his statements to the media stated that our son was shot in the chest and abdomen and our son had hunted and cornered the police down.  We are aware of many other inconsistencies in the statements made by this man including our son having a fully loaded semi automatic pistol but we sit in waiting for official reports to verify what we already know so that these explosive facts can also be released by the media.  Once again we have written numerous letters requesting a public retraction from Ian Leavers and once again had no response from him, however the Premier of Qld Campbell Newman did reply to our letter advising us that he had no control over the Qld Police Union.   

The only eyewitness to the shooting stated on channel 9 news on 18th April 2012 that Jason pulled his pockets out of his pants to show that he had nothing – the autopsy report states on page 2 point 1 under the heading of Clothes: “a black pair of sports shorts with white stripes at the side, Adidas brand.  The side pockets are noted to be turned outside”.  This statement is also a very powerful statement in backing up the words of Crystal Sinn who eye witnessed the whole shooting.  It has never been denied nor is it in question that this person is the sole witness to the killing of our son.

In summary Shane Doherty is our hero.  He listened to us, and followed through on what he told us he was going to do and he aired the truth and opened that can of worms.  We are asking the media and all persons of authority to react to the official facts already known and made public to respond without further delay so that our system works for Queensland.  We are a large close family in turmoil and all we want is to know that justice is served for our son.  I am sure that if this was anybody else’s child, brother, father, cousin, uncle, nephew or close friend they would also seek justice for their loved one.  As was stated on the news on Friday 17th August if the truth is too much to ask we really are in a bad place.  These police officers are still wearing guns and still actively on the job and we don’t wish this to happen to any other family, particularly when the real truth is now officially in the Coroner’s autopsy report with more official documentation pending. 

It has taken 4 months to officially get out what we have known since day 3 and clearly the police have known from day 1, so for 4 months these 2 officers have remained on active duty believing they have gotten away with what we believe to be murder.  Isn’t this official evidence enough to have these officers stood down or do we have to wait for more explosive facts that we know will be proven to be true to come to light and shame these officers and the Qld Police force even further.  Does the Qld media have to expose the truth in full openly and honestly before the Qld Police hierarchy can be seen to be honest, un biased and transparent.    

Yours Faithfully

Stephen Protheroe

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Jason Protheroe

State Coroner’s Office

Re: The shooting death of our son Jason Paul Protheroe

I am writing this letter to address the concerns and inconsistencies I have with regard to the investigation of the shooting death of our son Jason Paul Protheroe by a Qld Police Officer.

1) On Tuesday 17th April 2012 two officers met with me in the street and I took them inside and they were looking for Jason. We have had police coming to our home for at least 18 years and yet on this occasion all 3 of us (Myself, my wife & our son Stuart) felt a real urgency about this visit, we were all very troubled by their behaviour. This was mentioned to the investigating officers by both my wife and son whilst we were being interviewed that afternoon.

2) Why is it that two allegedly highly experienced detectives (as was stated) entered Crystal Sinn’s home with recording devices asking to conduct a search of her premises without a warrant, and did not turn them on. One would think police protocol would call for these searches to be recorded otherwise the search surely would be declared illegal if any evidence was found. I find it extremely convenient that no recording device was turned on until after our son was shot, this in itself raises alarm bells. Not to mention that a warning had been issued that there was at least 1 gun in the house. Why did these 2 highly experienced officers not use their recording devices when they were at a house with female & 2 children?

3) Why is it that the shooting officer asked Crystal Sinn to call 000 when he was on the phone to his boss with one hand and trying to perform CPR with the other? Crystal actually asked if the ambulance had been called. Yet as far as we are aware the other officer was on the footpath also on his mobile. One would reasonably think that 000 should have been the first person called if a life could have been saved.

4) Our son Stephen was already at the scene before my wife and I arrived, he had been told that Jason was alive by officers then Crystal Sinn was brought out in a police car with her children, she screamed at the officers to stop and she spoke with Stephen, she told him that Jason was dead. Stephen asked if he had a weapon, Crystal in her grief stricken state couldn’t speak but answered by beating her hand on her chest and nodding no. Stephen then asked the officer driving the vehicle if it was true that his brother was dead, the officer verified it to be true. This left our son to be the one who had to tell my wife & I and his brothers that Jason was dead.

5) We arrived at the scene of the shooting and were badly treated by the police officers on the scene, in fact they even threatened to Tazer and lock us up if we didn’t shut up and F---off. We were a family in grief that needed answers and instead we were treated like we were criminals.

6) Meanwhile the news camera’s had arrived on the scene and news was being broadcast regarding our son’s death. Ian Leavers from Qld Police Union stated several facts that were untrue including Jason being in possession of a fully loaded semi automatic pistol aiming and hunting 2 police officers down giving them no choice but to shoot or be shot. He also stated that Jason was shot twice once in the chest and once in the abdomen. For 3 days following this news broadcast we believed what Mr Leavers was correct in his alleged facts and yet when we attended the John Tong Centre we found out that our son had in fact been shot in the back and the back of the left shoulder. We have never believed our son had a weapon and the fact that the only eye witness on the scene had stated that our son did not have a weapon of any form, and we had never known Jason to have a weapons charge of any form against him or ever have a weapon. We were so upset by these allegations and then to learn once again that the gun our son allegedly had was a toy replica just shattered us again. No finger prints were found on the replica pistol at all which confirms our belief that our son had no weapon at all.

7) On the 6pm news they released our son’s name and photograph (Mug shot), this was prior to either of his 2 children being notified by the Qld Police. They did not visit Caleb’s house until around 8pm and Brianna’s house until around 10pm. The Qld Police should never have allowed Jason’s name to be released prior to his children being officially advised.

8) Witness statements were taken but yet it appears that no questions were asked. For example, I spoke with a witness in Ivor street who said that she gave a statement to the police that she had seen a police officer walk out of the gate and stand on the foot path and make a phone call and yet when I questioned her as to whether she saw the police officer walk out the gate she replied with well no I just assumed he had walked out the gate because the gate was open but I actually only saw him on the phone on the footpath. When I spoke to the ethical standards officers about this lady needing to change her statement they had advised me their superiors had said that they had already spoken with the woman and did not need to go and re-interview her.

9) Further witness statements also contradict the information given from the police, including the position of where Jason’s body initially was when he was shot. A witness stood on a 6ft high fence and could see straight into the area where Jason lay. His body was moved apparently to perform CPR but my understanding is that Jason was dead from the bullet that went through his heart. Was Jason alive when paramedics arrived on the scene?

10) The shooting officer claims that Jason and him were standing in what I would describe as a Mexican stand-off position, he said “they were standing face to face aiming guns at each other, we were both in a stationary position and he will never forget the rage in his eyes and he fired 3 times well it must have been 4 because 4 shell casings were found. We have been given the reason of tunnel vision as to why Jason was shot in the back and it doesn’t wash with me, I see no reason why my son was shot twice in the back, in fact if we are to believe this police officer’s version then why did these bullets not hit him in the front of his body. This officer is not offering this as a possible scenario he is saying this is factual as to how our son was shot. I have spoken to doctors and educated people and nobody can give me a concise or reasonable explanation as to how this could possibly happen. I want these officers suspended from duty while a thorough investigation is done. I want to know the truth no matter how ugly it may be I need to know the truth.

11) There were 4 shell casings found 3 of them together on one wall of the carport and one in the back corner of the carport the totally opposite side. I am yet to hear any witness state that they heard 4 shots even the shooter himself. The 4th bullet has never been found and I question whether there were 4 shots.

12) The toy replica pistol which is the alleged weapon involved had no fingerprints whatsoever and yet we have since the shooting discovered photos on facebook of the toy being held by 4 different people including Jason. We have handed these photos to the police as evidence. I still want to know why no fingerprints at all were found on this including the police officer who picked it up by the barrel and threw it. Also what doesn’t make sense is that the only DNA on the toy replica belonged to Jason and no other person, yet we have clearly proven at least 4 other people apart from Jason have handled this replica including the shooting officer.

13) I still have no idea where Jason’s clothes are that he was wearing on the day. I have asked police and the coroner and nobody seems to know where they are. We would like an answer to know where our son’s clothing is.

14) We also want to know why the media is not allowed to print any story from us telling the truth about where our son was shot. We have requested a public apology from Ian Leavers that he correct the allegations he made on the day of the shooting and we did not even receive the courtesy of a reply let alone a public apology correcting the information he gave which tainted the evidence right from word go.

15) We also want to know why we were told by the ethical standards that a Coronial hearing was scheduled to commence within 2 weeks and we would receive a letter from the Coroner’s Office about this. This was at least 4 weeks ago and when we questioned the Ethical Standards as to what was happening their reply was that the Coroner’s office must have changed their mind.

16) Crystal Sinn the only eye witness to the event was not originally given the opportunity to do a walkthrough of the shooting. It wasn’t until I pushed for it that it finally occurred recently. Crystal is yet to receive a copy of her statement from the Police from the 1st interview following the shooting, a copy of the DVD of the walk through or a copy of her children’s statements that were taken whilst in her care that she was not allowed to be present at.

17) Was the walk through of Crystal Sinn investigated and included in the evidence? Has the investigation been closed or is it still ongoing?

18) I was called into Police Headquarters to view some more evidence which included bits and pieces of all sorts of things including some text messages sent from Krystal Sinn’s phone threatening Jason, parts of the shooting officers walk through, parts of forensic evidence, the toy replica pistol and parts of the 000 phone call. I walked away from this meeting with the definite knowledge that they had made their mind up that she was a liar and couldn’t understand why she was lying. The belief I now have is that the Ethical Standards unit have formed a conclusion without a thorough investigation. I am not happy to sit on this, I am prepared to accept the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

19) Why is it that we have still heard nothing about the toxology report? Have the results been received? We were told from the ethical standards that they were drawing to a close on their investigation and we would be entitled to a full brief of evidence and yet your office has stated that we will not receive this until the coronial inquest which could be 12 months away. A timely process which gives us no closure and no answers. The facts get forgotten, witnesses clarity becomes unclear and 2 qld police officers remain on full duty after possibly murdering our son.
A once united family is in complete turmoil. I am not afraid of the truth, I am not afraid of the facts, we have sent numerous emails to media, police, politicians and even the prime minister and received no reply from anybody. Australia is a country that exercises freedom of speech so why is it that everybody seems to stand quietly by and not want to know the truth, not want to hear the truth and to scared to print the truth. I am not a hysterical father, I like most Australians do not condone criminal activities in fact anytime we knew of Jason doing illegal activities we were the first to inform the police and this is certainly on record. But nor do I condone corrupt police or possible murderers. As a father, I implore you to help me find the complete truth as to what happened to my son, share with me all the information that is currently available so that I can assess all the facts to date and make an informed decision as to what further action I will proceed with. This is our last resort before we name and shame the police officers involved in the shooting death possible murder of our son in particular the shooter Thomas Hess from Carseldine CIB. We feel we are being forced to do this as these officers statements are being protected and what seems to be unquestioned. We are not getting any response from anybody that we have sent emails to including Ian Leavers from Qld Police Union, media and politicians. We are the voice for our son and we will continue to fight for the truth as long as it takes. The Qld Police Union President was permitted to speak to the media for and on behalf of the police officers but yet the media will not allow us to speak for our son. Our son deserves the right for the public to be told the true facts of that day that are definitely known, yes he was a criminal but he was also a human being who had never held a weapon to anybody and I don’t believe he deserved to die this way. When my son was born we were his ears, his eyes and his voice and now that my son is gone I am once again his ears, his eyes and his voice and I will not stop until the truth is fully known and I believe that the truth is immortal.


Stephen Protheroe

Monday, June 4, 2012

Written 1st May 2012

For the last 2 weeks my family and I have co-operated fully with the ethical standards and internal investigation branch of the Qld Police in their investigations into the police shooting death of my son Jason on Tuesday 17th April this year.  To this day I have no reason to question the integrity of the officers leading this investigation.  Yesterday I laid my son Jason Protheroe to rest knowing that the majority of the men and woman within the Qld Police Force and majority of the citizens of our state believe that my son hunted and aimed a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol at two police officers with an intent to shoot them dead and gave them no choice but to shoot or be shot as was stated by the Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers on national television. 
I intend to state the facts of the case as they have been determined by the investigating officers.
On Tuesday 17th April the Qld Police Union President Ian Leavers went on national television and stated that my son produced a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol and aimed it at these two police officers, hunted them down, cornered one of the officers and gave him no room for negotiation, no choice but to shoot or be shot. 
There was also an eye witness present who saw the whole tragedy unfold who has clearly stated on national television that my son was unarmed and did not have a weapon of any form. 
The weapon that was alledgedly found lying beside my son’s body was a toy replica pistol.   This is the gun that Mr Leavers claimed was a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol on the 6pm national news and continued with these allegations the following day publicly.  It has been proven by the Qld Police that this alledged weapon contained no fingerprints what so ever.
It has also been determined that my son was in possession of a water bottle he was drinking from at the time of arriving at the address, which he alledgedly dropped on the ground.  This bottle was also taken as evidence and was proven to have his fingerprints on it.
Mr Leavers also stated that my son was shot twice, once in the chest and once in the abdomen, the true fact is that 4 shots were fired by the officer, two of which hit my son one in the back and the other in the back of the left shoulder.
Based on this evidence alone, I would call for Mr Leavers to step down from his position as Qld Police Union President and the two officers directly involved in this case are suspended from duty immediately pending the final outcome of this investigation.  I question the Qld Police Commissioner and the Qld Police Minister as to why this has not already taken place.
 These facts I have stated are the truth told to me by investigating officers and I believe the Coroner’s Office have been made aware of these facts.  I truly believe in my heart that clearly the evidence suggests that my son was unarmed, gunned down and possibly murdered by a member of the Qld Police Force.
Written By Steve Protheroe. 

Letter Demanding Public Apology

This is the letter that we have sent to Ian Leavers - The President of Queensland Police Union

To Mr Leavers

Nearly 7 weeks ago our son was shot dead by a Queensland Police Officer, we have stood by and waited for a public apology from Ian Leavers the President of the Qld Police Union and to this day it has not been forthcoming.  We are both disgusted and appalled by the statements made by Mr Leavers which at best was misinformed information or at worst outright lies that were told, and yet he has had no respect or consideration for us as the family to correct these statements.  We continue to co-operate fully with the ethical standards and internal investigation branch of the Qld Police in their investigations into the police shooting death of my son Jason on Tuesday 17th April this year.  We presently continue to believe that the majority of the men and woman within the Qld Police Force and the citizens of our state believe that my son hunted and aimed a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol at two police officers with an intent to shoot them dead and gave them no choice but to shoot or be shot as was stated by the Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers on national television. 
The facts of the case as they have been determined by the investigating officers are as follows:
The weapon that was alledgedly found at the scene that my son was alledged to be pointing at an officer was a toy replica pistol.   The facts as we know them are that only one officer was ever in a situation with my son, the other officer had already left the home to go to the car.  The gun that Mr Leavers claimed was a fully loaded semi-automatic pistol on the 6pm national news and continued with these allegations the following day publicly.
Mr Leavers also stated that my son was shot twice, once in the chest and once in the abdomen, the true fact is that 4 shell casings were alledgedly found and 3 bullets alledgedly located.  Two of these bullets hit our son one in the back and the other in the back of the left shoulder.  The 3rd bullet located passed through the back neighbours wooden fence and went into a neighbours toilet flute.
I ask you what gives you the right to taint the evidence from day one?  The Queensland Police Commisioner was interviewed the same day but gave absolutely no facts relating to the case other than it was being investigated, he chose to do the right thing where as you felt you had the right to taint the evidence and publicise incorrect information and then not correct it even 7 weeks after the event occurred.
Based on this evidence alone, we would call for you to make a public apology immediately and correct the tainted evidence that you publicly stated from day one.  If you refuse to retract these statements without hesitation I along with the support of my family will have no other option but to take further action including the naming and shaming of the two officers involved to begin with.  This matter is not going to go away I will not rest until I know the absolute truth as to what happened on the day my son was killed.  I have the full support of my family as well as many other people within the community and I am not prepared to let this sit for 12 months or more until a coronial inquest takes place.
Stephen Protheroe